Pregnant 9 months after gastric bypass

Is it possible to have periods for a couple months while pregnant? I was experiencing really bad pains the last couple months during what I figured was my ovulation time and was told it was a cyst on my ovaries. I took two tests last week and found I am pregnant. Now I have no idea how far along I am and can't get into my doctor for over a week.    — Megan21 (posted on April 13, 2009)

April 13, 2009
Yes it is possible to have what appear to be normal periods after getting pregnant. I used to delivery babies as part of my family practice and periods can be unreliable to base your due date on. Some women have a lot of pain from the ovary that the egg came from that got fertilized. There really isn't anyway to know until you see your doctor and they get an ultrasound. Some doctors like to wait a little later in the pregnancy when the accuracy of the ultrasound to give you the correct due date is better, and some like to get an ultrasound very early so you'll need to discuss this with your doctor. Hope this helps a little. Congrats. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

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