I am starting to gain weight

I am 2 years out, had RNY, and I noticed I am starting to gain weight ( about 10lbs) does anyone have any recommendations? I still do not eat a lot but I do eat a lot of garbage, I am weak. I have been exercising but apparently not enough, anyone have any suggestions?    — Deb A. (posted on September 12, 2009)

September 13, 2009
Hi, My name is Alice I'm about 16months out and gain 10lbs in fact I start the 5 day pouch test.To get you started again,it will help you. I hope it does the trick mine seems to be working, lost a couple of pounds. Just put your mine to it and you'll do fine. Just put in 5 day pouch test and you'll be on your way. If you like to get back to me on how your doing please do so. Hugs,Alice
   — alihorn

September 13, 2009
LEt me know what it is and I will try it.
   — Deb A.

September 16, 2009
Hi I'm Anna and I'm 5 years out I started gaining some back two years ago my doctor said some back and forth is normal I gained back 30 and staid their for the last two years. I wish I could get it off again but my body likes this weight. If you do the 5 day test and exercise it will start coming off again without it you will hit a plateau.

September 17, 2009
You need to go carb free for a week and then be careful about letting them back in. You can do this but it is for life. You have made an amazing transformation. Be strong and keep it.
   — trible

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