bad taste and bad smells all of the time

I had my first surgery a month ago. r&y, with the scope. There were problems and they had to go back in 2 weeks later and fix something. I feel much better, but I can't stand the smell of anything and not much taste either. I mean my house, my husband, my children, me, absolutley nothing. Everything makes me gag. Is there any help out there?    — JessicaThompson (posted on October 14, 2009)

October 14, 2009
I normally have a really sensitive nose and noticed that it was much worse after surgery. I wondered if it had something to do with the after effects of the anesthesia? It did go back to normal a few weeks later. Hang in there. But if you are literally gagging and unable to eat/keep food down, do talk to your surgeon.
   — jtoothman

October 14, 2009
I noticed for the first several weeks after my surgery that I seemed to be very sensitive to certain smells and tastes as well. For example, I used to love drinking plain, cold water. Post surgery I could only drink water if it had Crystal Light or something similar in it. I agree with the previous poster, I think it has something to do with the anesthesia. Good luck!!
   — terribeth

October 14, 2009
the most HORRIBLE thing was that when i came home from the hospital my beautiful beloved dog who always smells like a dryer sheet to me made me gag when she came near me. it was so depressing. and she was so upset and concerned about me because i was in bed and crying. :( it was heartbreaking not to be able to go near her like i wanted to. FORTUNATELY, this is not permanent!!! my little molly smells just fine to me now (the other dog's odor didn't bother me-- very strange!!)
   — greenpunchbuggie

October 15, 2009
I have had a lot of people tell me it is from the surgery. Thank you all for your support, and hopefully it will all go away soon. Thanks again, it feels good to know that I am not alone. Thank you all. Jess
   — JessicaThompson

October 15, 2009
I had the same thing. It all gets better in a few weeks. You seem pretty desperate right now but it will all pass.
   — cathymeyerny

October 16, 2009
well, i am so glad i saw this posting because i have been searching for this answer, omg! Everything stinks to me from my son pee to my body scent to everything, so i feel your pain, i just had my surgery oct 5 and its gotton little better but i tell you that i went to by fiji water which is the best water it is still nasty i was bout no i was crying thinking this was me so i am glad to know it was anthesisa. i just want to taste something and protein anything protein makes me wanna throw up so im doing yogurt now and hopefully this taste and smell thing will come back i am with you and hope you fair out as well good luck
   — sherie9031

October 17, 2009
The answer is that we go into what is called ketosis. The same thing happens when you go on the Atkins diet. It will go away once we begin eating regular food. But, remember, ketosis is a good thing.
   — Sue Boutette

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