Gas, farting, really bad odours?Does this happen to everyone??

I have only 7 days to have the RNY and after reading & hearing some bad stories of flatuence - I am wondering is I should cancel?Questions: Does one have more flatuence AFTER the RNY and when u go to the toilet-how bad is it?Does this happen to everyone?I cannot imagine finally looking thin & stunning & then no-one comes near you for fear of you "drop your gas"!!How does one get over this embarresment or is it something that one would just have to live with?I have just found a site about these charcoal pads that one puts in your panties which absorb any odours - has anyone heard of these and do they work?Any other ideas?I don't know if I am excited anyone because it sounds very embarrasing.Thanks    — paulamill (posted on April 12, 2010)

April 12, 2010
Ahhhh....actually, I believe that MOST of us have this problem to one extent or another. But to be honest with you, I'd rather have gas (even stinky gas), than to be where I was over a year ago. I had so many co-morbidities (other health concerns that can be life-threatening and are tied to obesity) that my life expectancy was several years less than it is now. And when you're a young 55 year-old with brand new grandchildren and a LOT to live for, I thought it was a fair trade off. The people I love and live with, and even friends, have all been warned about the "stealth farts" and other than grabbing the ever-present air-freshener or incense stick, all I can do is shrug and apologize, and if I'm in an enclosed area like a car, I roll the window down really quick. Also, there are several things you can do to alieviate the problem. One is to take an over-the-counter med called Devrom if you know you're going to be out in public and have been particularly "gassy" prior to leaving the house. Another is to keep a "gas/food" journal...for instance, on you can log everything you eat for the day (and lots of other things), and you can include notes for the day at the bottom of the page. For instance, if I had Eggbeaters with fat-free Walmart Turkey, mushrooms, and cheese scrambled into it...and within a couple of hours I was gassy - I'd make a note: What time I had breakfast, what it was, and what time the gas started. Same thing for lunch and dinner. That way, you can start to put your finger on which foods make you gassy. Lots of us, even though we are not officially lactose intolerant, will experience gas if we eat a lot of dairy products. Others will get gassy from eating beans. Some get gassy if they eat too much sugar, or broccoli, or whatever. It might take you a few weeks to do, and you probably can't even start to track those kinds of things until your back on a full diet... but when you CAN... then you can begin to either elimate those foods from your diet, or you can plan to eat them ONLY when you're going to stay home for the day or evening, and you have the freedom to pass gas all you want. And finally, I DID hear about a "flatulence" undergarment....just the other day. I couldn't believe it, and I thought the guy was kidding, but a disc jockey here in Denver was telling us that he had turned in his resignation because he had just signed a contract worth over "6 figures" to market a new invention of his that was basically a "flatulence" brief, with liners made of activated charcoal. I thought he was kidding, but it seems he wasn't. It might be a product I'll try in the future. Can't hurt...that's for sure. I kid you not, flatulence or not, I'd have this surgery all over again in a heartbeat. I was much more embarassed by my body odors, and the way I huffed and puffed when I tried to walk, and the way everyone else could do things that I couldn't, like bowl, hike, exercise, you name it. Please don't let your concern about "rumbling tummy" scare you away from doing something that will change your life a million ways for the better....
   — Erica Alikchihoo

April 12, 2010
Paula not everyone has this problem. I have it only after eating certain foods. I limit eating those foods and I'm fine.
   — Caribou ME

April 12, 2010
I had the realize band and had the awful flatuence for the 1st couple mo. then it just stopped, only occaisionally will I have it, normally gas x takes care of it. Dont let that be a negative deciding factor for the surgery, I am so much healthier now and so happy with the 50 lbs Iv'e lost in 3 1/2 mo. Good Luck and God Bless you on this journey
   — T R.

April 12, 2010
No, not everyone has extreme gas issues. I've only had one instance of bad gas and I think it was from eating too many carbs. If you find yourself in that situation though there is a product called Devrom that's supposed to prevent the formation of the odor I think. Even if I had of had gas issues post op I wouldn't trade my life saving surgery because of it. There's a way to fix darn near anything and in this case it would likely be to identify what causes you to become flatulent (i.e. certain foods). Good luck on your surgery!
   — Arkin10

April 12, 2010
Hello, I find that if you just pay attention to the foods that give you gas and either stay away from them or limit them in your diet you will really minimize your gas problem. I have to watch meat mostly beef it will give me terrible smelling gas. My husband tells me I can just sleep in the other room. Ha ha. Anyway this is definatly not a reason to not go through with the surgery the good out weighs the bad tenfold. Just remember to always be careful of what you put in your mouth. I hope this helps. Good luck and God Bless Stacie :0)
   — sse032568

April 12, 2010
OMG.....YES.....YES.....YES !!!! It's horrible and if you are like me you have absolutely NO control. It has a mind of it's own too....!!!!! And yes, the odor is just as bad. Good luck !!!!
   — karensaporito

April 13, 2010
Get some Devrom... it won't take all the oder away but it sure helps... also, have a supply of gas-X... this helps too.
   — Kathleen O.

April 13, 2010
Most RNY and other types of GBers have this problem...My first year (while healing and the body getting used to it's new way of digesting and rerouting) It can be quite smelly...However, I found that too much sugar and simple carbs as well as milk (lactose) are what gave me the most smelly gas...cabbage-like foods, mushrooms also gave me wicked evil bloating, without the smell. I have learned to take Beeno with certain foods and I take Probiotics regularly as this helps with so much of the gas problem and helps you absorb vitamins in your foods. Lactose intolerance was a huge prblem for me and I didn;t realize it because I can eat about 2 oz of dairy before I dump or get gas. I cannot drink whey, or milk or more than 2 0z of soft cheeses. So watch what you eat and figure out what foods give you gas and if you can't live without those foods...Beeno, probiotics and deverom works great! I have heard of the charcoal panties, but I'm just not that desparate....yet! LOL When I do get a bout of smelly gas, it takes a few days on probiotics to clear it I really watch my sugar and simple carb intake as that's usually the cause for me...
   — .Anita R.

April 13, 2010
Most RNY and other types of GBers have this problem...My first year (while healing and the body getting used to it's new way of digesting and rerouting) It can be quite smelly...However, I found that too much sugar and simple carbs as well as milk (lactose) are what gave me the most smelly gas...cabbage-like foods, mushrooms also gave me wicked evil bloating, without the smell. I have learned to take Beeno with certain foods and I take Probiotics regularly as this helps with so much of the gas problem and helps you absorb vitamins in your foods. Lactose intolerance was a huge prblem for me and I didn;t realize it because I can eat about 2 oz of dairy before I dump or get gas. I cannot drink whey, or milk or more than 2 0z of soft cheeses. So watch what you eat and figure out what foods give you gas and if you can't live without those foods...Beeno, probiotics and deverom works great! I have heard of the charcoal panties, but I'm just not that desparate....yet! LOL When I do get a bout of smelly gas, it takes a few days on probiotics to clear it up...s
   — .Anita R.

April 15, 2010
WOW!!!! Hmmmmm fart or be F*A*T! The one thing I know is this....If you are finding farting to be a reason to NOT have this than you really don't want it to begin with. And furthermore being fat also makes you fart if you eat the wrong things. If you were shot in the abdomen and the doc said....Paula, you have a cholostomy bag for the rest of your life but at least you'll be alive, would you say....Hey Doc, just leave the bullet and let me die!???? Be grateful you are able to have this as there are 1000's who want it and can not get it!Good Luck
   — 1stReneeMarie

April 15, 2010
I had lap RNY and don't have that problem. But I've read there are all kinds of solutions for people who do. Just have the surgery; you'll be so happy you did.
   — Janell C.

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