lap band port

when you have the lap band surgery where and how is the port positioned in your stomach for non movement , please help is this device just moving around or do they suture it to the inside of your stomach    — MILISEA (posted on December 16, 2005)

December 16, 2005
The actual band is sort of like a hair rubber band (poor analogy, but you get the idea) but with a saline filled "balloon" on the interior of it. Connected to this balloon is the tube that is connected to a port. The port is beneath your skin at your side. That way, when an adjustment is needed (whether increasing or decreasing the amount of saline for restriction control) a needle is inserted through your skin and tissue to do so. A good link to see how it works can be found at - there's a little animationon the right hand side of the screen. I went through all of the pre-ops for Lap-Band surgery myself, but ultimately ended up choosing to have the DS instead. However, had I known then what I know now - if Lap-Band was an important option for me, I'd likely choose sleeve gastrectomy over the permanent implant of a foreign object. The Lap Sleeve Gastrectomy option is really exciting, and I know quite a few people who are extremely happy with their results. I'm thrilled with my DS - couldn't be happier. I've lost 210 lbs and maintain that loss without any stress. I have an incredible quality of life. The most important thing though, is that YOU are happy with the surgery that YOU choose. Some health care professionals feel that because we're fat we aren't able to make an informed decision. Of course, we know how wrong that is! Be proactive for yourself, and don't settle for anything but the surgery that you are passionate about and are willing to live with the life-long post-op requirements for. Best of luck! dina
   — Dina McBride

December 16, 2005
Both the Band and the port are stitched into place to keep them from moving around. The port's placement is determined by the surgeon (they all have their favorite places to put them) but the most common locations are mid-abdomen, left side; mid-abdomen, center (where mine and DH's are located); and just below the sternum. Ask your surgeon where he likes to put them and why, and if you have a preference, let him know. Best of luck to you!
   — Jeanie

December 9, 2008
I had lap band surgery in May of 07 and my port has actually flipped. I was unable to get my last fill b/c it flipped and I didn't have insurance at the time to have it corrected. I still need to get it looked at but I would make sure to ask if they could sew a mesh banding over the port site so that it won't flip. My surgeon told me it is standard procedure but he didn't do it so, make sure to ask about it.
   — cbientz

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