has anyone been turned down by surgeon after the consultation?

   — hartnell (posted on January 31, 2006)

January 31, 2006
Yes, 8 doctors, because my surgical complications were too complex, had to be refered to a DS specialist, and a hospital with more extensive edocrine department to supervise post op, cant have rny or band, contraindicated for my advanced GERD and diabetes insipudus
   — walter A.

January 31, 2006
Tracy, it would help if you offered some more detail about your concerns. In general, any doctor can refuse to treat any patient. In the case of WLS, the doctor might reject a patient he/she feels is not a good candidate because of physical or emotional issues. Those issues can include comorbidities, general physical health, smoking or other substance abuse and many other factors. Best of luck. Kasey 365/210 (nonop)
   — Kasey

January 31, 2006
Yes, because I had undiagnosed problems with diarhhea and because RNY can cause malabsorption the one surgeon denied me because of me possibly having in the end a nutrition problem. I eventually found out what my problem was and went onto have a successful surgery about 1 yr 4 months later.
   — ChristineB

February 1, 2006
Yes, The surgeon was fine with doing the operation, but the team felt because of possible complications after surgery (Pulmonary Hypertension and Atrial Fibrilation) the hospital/local physician's could not handle these type situations confidently so the surgeon broke the news. I'm still trying to locate a physician/hospital which will do the surgery. Bad part, seems they all want their own consultations, but my insurance will only pay once a year for consultation of the same condition.
   — pianogrl

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