Are you required to stay in Nashville after hospital discharge?

I spoke with a woman who had surgery at Centennial 2 years ago and she said Dr. Olsen was upset because she came back home (3 hrs away) after discharge instead of staying in Nashville a week post-op. Is this required?    — prjones40 (posted on February 19, 2006)

February 19, 2006
I will be having my surgery at Baptist in Nashville and when I am released from the hospital I will return home (2 hours away). I haven't planned on anything other than that. My doctor doesn't require staying locally afterwards for a week.
   — jeanfergus

February 19, 2006
Wether its required or not do you REALLY want to be 3 or 4 hours away from help in a emergency? Is your local hospital capable and knowledgable about your surgery? my surgeon requires staying closer by till the first post op appointment of 10 days and I think thats just common sense. most complications occur immediately after surgery, fast acce4ss to surgeon can be very important.
   — bob-haller

February 19, 2006
Where do you Live? I know several from around my area that used Nashville.. Dr husted & Dr. Houseton and they came home with the rule that you stop every hour to walk around before continuing on your ride... Your local hospital ER should know about this surgery as it is something they will deal with now... Ask them about there Knowledge and make plans before hand ... staying in a Hotel can get costly for a week to two weeks... Go with a Positive attitude that everything is going to be just fine ... good luck and prayers for ya! [email protected] Flo
   — Flo

February 20, 2006
I live 4 hours from where I will have surgery. I am also 64 yrs old and have had lots of other surgeries. My dr said I would be in hospital for 5 days and he wants me to stay in chicago for 5 days in case of emergency. I think thats a good plan. My daughter had it there, but she is in her 30's and had only had 2 surgeries in her stomach. She came home. She also lived 4 hours away.
   — geneswife

February 27, 2006
Staying close by to your surgeon is a good idea. If you live somewhere out in the country those little hospitals have no idea how to treat a gastric bypass patient or in some cases they don't even know what one is. People have died from not seeking care at the appropriate hospital after surgery, go to the big city hospital thats knows about gastric bypass, skip the little hospital. Good Luck
   — goldroses

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