
How do you know if something you ate is stuck in your pouch?    — 2bskinny (posted on March 4, 2006)

March 4, 2006
Feel like there's a rock stuck right about where your sternum is. Maybe saliva starts backing up, too? The foamies? The more your body tries to "grease the skids" the more saliva it makes, but since it can't pass, it starts to ooze up your esophagus? I usually lie on my left side (all the way down, ON your side, not sorta back or front) and see if I can burp or dislodge it that way before I go after it. Haven't had to do that for awhile, but even still, it's danged miserable.
   — vitalady

March 4, 2006
I also heard if you put some meat tenderizer in some warm water and drink it it helps break up the blockage
   — GertieMae3

March 4, 2006
For me when I get something stuck its quite painful...and the foamies start. I cant even swallow my saliva so i end up and start spitting it in a bowl. Last time I had something stuck I was in misery for three hours and then I threw up...and I was still in misery for another three hours till I threw up again. Then I felt fine. I have learned what I can eat and cant...and have learned to pay attention to what my body is telling me when I eat something. And chew, chew chew!
   — blazeia

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