LapBand Wonders?

I had the LapBand on 09-07-07 so its been 6 months and I was just wondering if anyone is like me? I have only lost 20 lbs since surgery I had a problem a couple of months ago where I ate something and it was stuck and I just had a fill that day and just kept throwing up and I contacted the clinic she told me to try Adolphs Meat Tenderizor with Water and ever since then which that was in December things just havent been right Food still feels stuck half the time I throw up at least once a day I go up and down with weight I havent had another fill since Dec and nothing taken out either and the clinic suggested that I have the test where I drink the barium so they can see how things are flowing but I live 2 1/2 hrs away so I just keep putting it off :( Does this sound like maybe the band has possibly slipped? No Weight Loss the Restricted Feeling? I know I'm not eating right either so I was just wondering if anyone else had the surgery was doing good at 1st then had a problem so kinda went off track but then got back on track and started losing again? or Band had slipped and there was weight gain due to that? I'm just curious if anyone has been like me and did they lose weight and it worked out for them?    — AngelKay34 (posted on March 14, 2008)

March 14, 2008
I had the LapBand on 07/11. I've not had these problems - not like this. Yes I have some problems with blockage but that was either due to bites being too big or not waiting 1-2 minutes in between bites. I do know that when I am adjusted, my surgeon tells me I am back on my liquid diet for 48 hours. I would suggest going back to your liquid diet (soupy oatmeal, cream of wheat, jello, broth, small curd cottage cheese, etc). Make sure you are taking very small bites of food. If you are still having problems, I would definitely make that trip to be checked out. Going up and down with the weight is normal. I usually flex between 1-2 pounds for a while and then the scale will finally move and then I platuea for a while again. I honestly think only losing 20 pounds since September is not a lot but everyone dose lose differently. I personally would be discouraged over that. I do everything you can to get back on track. Start with the day of surgery if need be but more importantly, I would get checked by your surgeon to make sure there are no issues. Please feel free to email me privately, if need too. :)
   — tlsdc1972

March 14, 2008
My weight came off very slowly with the Lap Band also.It's supposed to.This is a good thing, it gives your skin a chance to adjust. I would go for a long time with no loss and then suddenly go down 5-10 #'s.Everyone's body is different. As far as the 'stuck' thing. Your stomach gets 'irritated' when they do the adjustment, that's why they tell you to go on liquids for a couple days afterward. If you are vomiting everyday, it will continue to stay 'swollen'. I would take the drive to check things out and even consider that the band may be too tight. I have had to get some fluid taken out twice after fills because it just gradually felt too tight. I was always worried that my band had slipped too, especially because I was a self pay, but it had not. Good luck and keep a positive attitude, stop beating yourself up over falling off track. You just have to use your band to help you with the real hunger vs 'head hunger'.That was my biggest challenge. Good Luck! Patty
   — pattyann

March 14, 2008
Angel, this is Ruby and I think we have chatted email before when i posted a question about this sort of thing. I think the barium xray is important. Not only will it tell the doctor if you have a slipped band but if the stomach has pushed into the band. If not, then you know you have to have some liquid stuff for a while so that the irriation goes away. If it is more than irritation, the doctor will see that when you take the contrast and he watches it go down. And if there are more issues he can tell you that then. I had to have a corrective procedure called gastrorhaphy based on a diagnosis of gastric outlet obstruction mentioning nothing about the lapband issue. This was filed on insurance. It has totally relieved the obstruction. And I am healing well. Go for the 'first' fill next week. Has been two weeks at that time. I have been able to eat, no restrictions. But need to have that first fill again. I would advise driving to do the barium xray. That is the only way you will know what is happening. Keep us posted on how you are doing. The longer you put off this simple procedure, the longer you don't know. Til then, do the simple things, like protein shakes and lots of liquids. Later, Ruby
   — MzCruse

March 15, 2008
Hi, Im an RNYer, so I cant really answer your questions, other than the "stuck feeling". I had reade a post for papaya enzymes, so I bought some at GNC, about $5.00 for 60 pills I think. So anyway, I gobbled a hot wing and 3 bites of pizza last night, gave myself the foamies, laid relief. Got the papaya enzyme, chewed 3....they taste soooo good...and bam!! I felt good as new!! BTW Im just over 3 weeks out, and I know I really shouldnt be eating this kind of food YET, but its better than eating nothing at this point. Good luck with the rest of your question. Oh PS I read they have the enzymes at trader joes too.
   — clh333

March 15, 2008
If you can find my posts, read them. I was in the same situation. i would not go out to eat or if I was at someones house or at a party I would say that I ate at home, because as soon as I ate anything, up it would come, no notice, just what I thought would be a burp was not. My band was tight, I had the barium swallow under the scope, everything went down but slowly, when they would loosen it I could eat too much. I kept the band for a little over a year, about the same lose as you. I don't know if your band slipped or not, but your story sounds just like mine, and my band did not slip. So after being sick and tired of living on pasta and fluids for so long I had had enough (pasta seemed to stay down, not sure why but definately not good for me) and I had it removed and went with the RNY. That was last year, so one year later I am now at goal, minus the hanging skin and I am happy as a clam. Went from a 24 to a 10-12!!!! I had less pain after the rny then the band, not sure why but I was expecting the worst, I was really surprised. I also was told that I have a large amount of scar tissue that had to be removed around the band and the port,and that was only after a year. My two friends did the same as me and we are all very happy with our decisions. The band does work well for some, not everyone and certainly not for me. Good luck with your decision and I would definately make the trip or find someone closer to you and have the test done, most big hospitals have this equipment and should be able to do the test for your and send the results to your doctor. Keep me posted and good luck to you, I know how it feels and it is not pleasant.
   — noboat4u

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