Problem at Curves

I am post RNY...doing great esp now that I have joined Curves! I absolutely love it.I go 5x per week and have lost 50 lbs in 2 mos...however, since the manager found out I had RNY, she has been quite rude to me. She commented that "We all know that surgery certainly isnt the answer at all, but we realize a few people just think its the way out." I was appalled! I am living life to its fullest for once in my life, can jog up my street, and feel amazing. If I had known however, that she was going to be so rude with comments here and there, I would have never joined. I am not giving it up, as I love it so much, but am having trouble dealing with her lately. I have never met her in my life, and she was nice up until she found out I had surgery for my weight loss. Any suggestions?    — SouthernSunshine (posted on September 8, 2008)

September 8, 2008
Hey Kim, I'm sorry to hear about the response you're getting from this gal. I had the opposite experience at my local Curves. All I can suggest is to either go at a different time when this person is not there, or if you community is large enough to have another Curves location, go to the other. I guess another option would be to educate this person, but that's assuming she's open to listening to someone who's been through "the way out"! Best wishes to you.
   — Cindy E.

September 8, 2008
Ok first I am not normally a rude or vulgar person but in this case I am going to be a little of both (not to you but what you should tell the manager) First I would tell her to F*** off and mind her business she is getting your damn money so she needs to mind her own business and keep her judgmental comments to herself before you report her. Second I would report her. Third I would kick her ass! (ok not seriously) You will run into these ignorant people constantly over the rest of your life. But you shouldn't have to pay for a service and hear bullshit because she thinks it is the "easy way out" Tell her to gain 200 lbs and carry it around for YEARS and then go an try to loose it on diets and exercise. Basically I would just tell her to kiss your happy a** and report to a higher up because she has NO right to treat you or any other paying customer that way. She needs to LOOSE her job for being a B***H!!!!!! Sorry these type of people make me seriously angry! SHE NEEDS TO BE FIRED!!!!!
   — bridgadean

September 8, 2008
You know what she is jealous, plain and simple. Ignorant and jealous. You need to report her because Curves doesnt need some on like that working there. You are paying to go to this place its not like you are going there for free. Why pay to go somewhere that you get abused at? She needs to be fired and she needs to aplogize to you. Shoot I want to know which curves this is I Want an apology! REPORT this lady if she is doing it to you shes doing it to others and thats not right. It doesnt matter that you had the surgery what matters is you are exercising and losing the weight, She is there to support the members not critsize them!
   — Kimberlin Katayama

September 8, 2008
I agree with what everyone has said so far - you need to report her. She is an employee of a business and should be acting in a professional manner - and you have every right to let someone know that she is not. If there's another Curves location that is convenient for you, ask if your membership can be transferred there (I can't remember if they allow you to go to different locations but I'm thinking they don't). If it can't, then I can only suggest that you try to stay away during the hours that she works ... Although I do realize that may be inconvenient for you ... *sigh* I'm sorry to hear about this and I hope you can get it resolved quickly and painlessly!
   — lauren_marie

September 8, 2008
Hey Kim, sorry this B**ch was rude. Maybe she's mad because her cheap ass insurance did not approve her surgery. I would of told her some sh*t and probably had her crying in a corner!!! Nah but seriously I would of asked for her Boss and and complained. Anyways don't let some rude person steal your thunder. You go girl, I hope I do a wonderful job as you have done!! Stay determined and keep up the wonderful job!! KUDOS KIM!!!
   — Mindee M.

September 8, 2008
You should be aware that Curves is a franchise business. This woman may be the manager, but she may be the owner, as well. If she's not, I would have a little heart-to-heart with the owner and let her know that this is enough BS to lose your business. If SHE is the owner, I would contact the Curves corporate offices to KINDLY let them know that they should be aware of this person and how she runs THEIR business. My experience with ALL of my local Curves locations is that they are pleased for me. All they want is for their members to be healthy and happy (because healthy and happy keep coming back and paying the monthly membership.) I agree with those that suggested visiting another local Curves, if possible. But do approach this issue head on, if possible, first, so that YOU will feel better about it. Good Luck, Dani
   — zandeldm

September 8, 2008
Tell her to kiss your skinnier *ss. Don't even give her another thought. She isn't worth your time of day. What a fricking moron. Have a nice day. peace and Love Brian
   — johndough

September 8, 2008
I know exactly what I would say...We all make choices that are best for us, and that she can go f@*k off. It is clearly working for you and congratulations on your success. Keep it up and be proud you took control of your life.
   — suezahn4me

September 8, 2008
Oh my God, what a horrible thing to say. I would report her to the appropriate person. Curves is the only type of exercise I can do without crashing (I have CFS/FM). I'm so sorry you had to experience this and I go along with all the other responses here. Boy that just pisses me off!!!

September 8, 2008
She is secretly jealous of you, that you had an opportunity to gain such a powerful weapon against obesity. You should find out who is above her in rank, and report her. To her boss, or the owner. Secondly, try to find another location to go to. What a BITCH; she's just envious...
   — Gina S.

September 8, 2008
   — deb44m

September 8, 2008
Boy if this woman only knew what we have gone thru to get where we are today she would have a different view. Anyone that thinks loosing weight any way we choose to do it is a piece of cake needs to talk to us in depth and we can fill her ears full.
   — diamond0801

September 8, 2008
I agree with everyone else, REPORT HER!! She has absolutely no right to talk to you or anyone else that way. I really hope she is the manager & not the owner, that way she can be fired b/c I'm sure they will frown upon her costing them paying customers. Best of luck to you and please keep us posted as to the out come.
   — scaryreader

September 8, 2008
You have FOUGHT your way to get this far (clearances, surgery, post-op, exercising, etc.) why stop? Fight this woman's ignorance by REPORTING HER! Haven't you (we) been through enough adversity to let this woman spoil your SUCCESSES and ACCOMPLISHMENTS? You've gotten where you're at by going through more than just a few exercises and if she thinks what you've been through isn't the "right way" then she knows nothing! Besides, it's the results that count!
   — pattschiele

September 8, 2008
That manager is a friggin TURD! Like many of the above, I would report her to the owner, branch manager, or whomever. I don't think they will appreciate her getting a 'tude with the paying customers. Besides, you know what they say... the customer is always right!.
   — Lady Bugg

September 8, 2008
Just hope you will report back through this as to how you get this resolved. Good luck!
   — ShirleyF

September 8, 2008
I know how you feel about rude staff at curves. I have not yet had the lap band surgery, I am awaiting approval from insurance company. I use to belong to Curves. I have high blood pressure and my pulse is sky high. When we are in the circle marching in place I was told by several concerned staff that I need to walk in a very slow pace to try and get my pulse down. Well, there was one staff member who was very rude and yelled at me in front of everyone to speed it up. I was really embarrassed and told her my pulse was high and was told to go at a slow pace. She threw her nose in the air and said hmmm in a mad way. I blew it off and it then happened on a another occasion. I then was so humiliated that I just quit going. I am very proud that you are holding your head up high and sticking with it. That girl that said that to you probably has some issues with herself or is jealous and is taking it out on you. You are proving to her that you are a better person than she is. Keep up with the good work! God Bless, Penny
   — pennyandcj

September 8, 2008
She was VERY unprofessional, you should definitely report her. Who knows, maybe you could have her job!!! lol! What an a$$hat! My parents were like that at first, though "you're just taking the easy way out". No, it's not the easy way, easy would be being on a diet that didn't make us gain more or get our metabolisms even MORE out of whack! My parents finally came around. I can't wait to start working out again, too!
   — Jean Ann T.

September 8, 2008
I would contact Corporate Management at the headquarters about her attitude toward you and let them know as it is just poor business practice to allow a individual employee to express personal opinions about a client to them or anyone else. I am sure they will deal with it to your satisfaction. Contact them at: Gary and Diane Heavin, Founders Curves International 100 Ritchie Road Waco, TX 76712 Tel: 1-800-848-1096
   — William (Bill) wmil

September 9, 2008
Their are a lot of those types out there...Those that feel they work hard to look good and how dare someone do it the "easy way" if they have any IDEA how "easy" it is to even decide to go in and have a doctor cut you open or punch holes in your guts and rearrange the way you were born to function just to get healthy enough to be able to walk with no pain and get off some life threatening meds and Gawd forbid be happy and thin for once in your 60-100 years on earth...She's so lucky She didn't say that to me...I'm about as laid back and easy as people get...but insult or threaten me with an ignorant comment and you've pushed my wild woman button...I'd have had her on her boney little knees beggin' for my forgiveness and praying she had a job tomorrow...You're too nice! But good for you to look the other way too! Being a wild woman once in a while isn't always worth getting your blood pressure up ...especially when it's for ignorance like that woman has. I'd say though that if she continues to be rude, that you take her off to the side and ask her to keep her rudeness to herself or you can discuss it with her and her boss if she'd like that better, because you deserve respect as a customer who is there to get her body fit with the same amount of money as the rest of the people there!
   — .Anita R.

September 9, 2008

   — cms123

September 9, 2008
I work at Curves and didn't tell my manager or owner that I was having WLS. I just asked for 2 weeks off for surgery. I'm sure they know since I have shared with several members. My owner made a comment once about a member taking the easy way out and having surgery, that's why I chose not to talk to her about it. All the ladies that come in during my shift are very supportive of my journey. If the rude woman is just the manager and not the owner I would report her to the owner. If she is in fact the owner I would report her to Curves International. Don't quit the program if you enjoy it and it is working for you, just go when the rude woman isn't working. is there another curves close by? You can always transfer to another one. There are no fees involved in this. Ask for a travel pass and check of some of the other locations. Good luck! lisa
   — Lisa B.

September 9, 2008
First and foremost...Be proud of YOU and all you've accomplished...Second, report her to her boss, or if she's the boss, whoever she reports to...Thirdly, if her behavior does not change after the above, I'd request a change of your home base Curves to another location because of the distress you feel everytime you even think about going in that place... And lastly...repeat the first--Walk tall and proud of your success...unfortunately I have learned the hard way--not with this surgery, but in other areas in my life--sometimes telling all your secrets isn't the best way to go...I try to be honest, but my personality is also very assertive...If asked I tell, if not I don't...Congrats to you on your weight loss and improved health and wellness!!
   — Michelle M.

September 9, 2008
And she's absolutely right. Surgery isn't for everyone. But it is the weight loss journey you have chosen and dog gone it, it's working. Are you happy? Would you change this freedom for the world? Then walk with your head up high into that curves and don't be intimidated by her opinion of which journey is the best. Go gettem' tiger!!!
   — bariatricdivalatina

September 9, 2008
Whoa! That lady has no right to to talk to you like that! You need to talk to her boss or the owner of the club and report this. I go to curves and they are very supportive of me having the lap-band. Her making those rude comments is not in the spirit that Curves is built on. Her job is to leave her personal opinions at the door and treat members according to the Curves beliefs which is based on being supportive and encouraging. I'm just so angry to hear about this! She ain't yer momma so where does she get off spewing all that BS? She is lucky I am not at her club cos she'd be in big trouble! I got a big mouth (and big feet!) and I know how to use it (them)!
   — ImanAbdulaziz

September 9, 2008
I agree with all the others...this biotch definitely needs to be reported. CURVES is a franchise and she may be the ower of THAT Curves location but there are Corperate Offices for just this reason...Report Her !! And if she is ONLY the mgr. then I would be finding out who her boss is and having a chat wih him/her. If you town/city has more than one location...I'd be going to a different facility. You can visit other CURVE locations as long as you have the lil' scan in bar coded "thingy". Sounds like she needs a life so she doesn't have so much free-time to be sticking her big-a** nose in other people's business !!
   — debz_58

September 9, 2008
My own cousin said to me I "took the easy way out". No its not the easy way. its life changing Forver. You should be proud of yourself. I would have went up to her and told her exactly what gastric bypass people have to live with every day. i would write the company. Go online I am sure they have a web site. Someone like that shouldnt be working there. I wish it was in Ct I would go there for you. Dont listen to what people like that say. they ahve no idea what they are talking about.
   — Joanc

September 9, 2008
its none of her darn business i would make my self VERY clear to her and to the owner they dont have the only place in town to take your business. some peoples ignorance is no reason for acting a jerk.
   — jeffinMI

September 9, 2008
Kim -- don't you just love people who take your money and STILL figure you have the right to their opinion? What a complete and utter jerk! I agree with the other posters here -- report her. To the owner of the franchise (assuming they're not one and the same aforementioned jerk) AND to the Curves organization -- they don't need this kind of publicity OR this kind of person representing their "brand". Does this idiot woman not realize how many THOUSANDS of us post-ops there are, not only in your town, but your state/province, country, hemisphere? And kudos to you for not giving up -- how many of us would have, or have in the past -- nothing like a visit to a gym where you can view acres of anorexic hardbodies when you weigh almost 400 pounds to give the old morale that much-needed boost -- and congrats on your weight loss. You'll never soar with eagles if you walk with turkeys -- and this woman REDEFINES the word "turkey." Happiness always --
   — Cheryl Denomy

September 9, 2008
Report her to the OWNER. Then call (800) 257-5332 and report this. Curves does NOT want people acting like this in their franchises!
   — Susan L.

September 9, 2008
Kim, ignorant people are an unfortunate part of life. You could suggest videos and sites for her to check out, but "A person convinced against his/her will, is of the same opinion still." They make their living helping people lose weight, and to them you "cheated" and took the easy way out. Don't listen to that garbage, because that is all it is. Most people who lose with them gain it all back as soon as the dieting and exercise slows down. If there is another chapter nearby, you might want to transfer to it, or even find a similar group if you enjoy them. Start your own group with other GB patients and you can do a lot of good for a great cause. You may be a loser, but remember you are really a winner, if you'll pardon the pun. ;-) Dusty @};-
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

September 9, 2008
They are telling you right, report that woman to whoever is above her. Curves is a good thing and people like her just sour the milk. Whatever you do, don't let her discourage you, you're doing great. I would wish that a similar business would come up and offer services mainly to GB patients. There are more of us every year. If they'd make it part of the follow up to the surgery, think about how much more successful it'd all be. Include it in the cost of the surgery, and make it a follow up treatment. :) Dusty @};-
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

September 9, 2008
Curves are franchises so that lady owns that one and is making money off of you. I would speak with her about the situation and if things don't get better tell her that you would like to transfer your membership to another Curves. We go through so much trying to better ourselves and this is how you treat someone? I absolutely can't believe the audacity of that lady. I am proud of you and I know you are too, don't let her stupidity discourage you.
   — redlilies

September 9, 2008
I have no tolerance for people anymore so my suggestion would be to either flip her off with the bird everytime you make a complete circle and/or moon her and then really give her something to talk about. Jeez!
   — Breathin4him

September 9, 2008
Ignorant- just plain ignorant! Well I suppose you could ask her to hold the punching bag and really get going and then "miss" and knock her in her wise-ss mouth? Hee Hee- so evil!! Andrea
   — millamename

September 9, 2008
I just read all the guys are great! I never imagined such a great outpouring of support. I am so touched. I went back to the gym today and felt great about it. And I will keep going back, not quitting now after all this time; I just love it. I have decided...any future comments from this woman only make me stronger. And besides, MY boobs are REAL! TAWANDA!!!! luv u guys---xo
   — SouthernSunshine

September 10, 2008
I am so sorry that this woman was so rude to you, there is NO excuse for it. I agree with the people that are telling you to report her. Curves is a large corporation. I would call their head office and complain about her behaviour! Make sure that you have her name and the location of the place so that you can be specific with them. I really hope that she gets fired for this outrageous behaviour!!! Good luck to you, and keep up the good work! Remember that you are doing this for you, no one else!
   — anitak

September 10, 2008
I would go directly to the main web page for Curves and see if there's a corporate office you can contact regarding this. Honestly, Curves is suppose to be a place where a woman can feel at ease about her body and the fact that you chose this method for weight loss is none of her business. You're still there to get healthy...healthier.... and her comments aren't supportive, they're meant to make you feel degraded. She definitely shouldn't be involved in a business that is suppose to be a positive place to be. I would definitely complain. She needs to suffer some consequences. Curves prides themselves on their positive and supportive environment. If this manager does this to anyone else... or regardless if she does...they need to know about it. Best of luck......Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

September 11, 2008
Hi! I am a Curves owner and I had Lap-RNY 19 months ago and bout Curves 9 months ago. I would call corporate in Texas. I have several ladies that have had RNY at my club. I am so sorry you have been treated like this. There is no reason at all. Just know how good you feel it's an amazing program. Don't let her get the best of you! Keep working out and don't let her get to you. I would talk to the owner because sometimes they don't know so things that are said and they wouldn't approve! Sorry again!
   — K. S

September 13, 2008
Kim, laugh it off. That lady doesn't understand and I'd have compassion for her. I guarantee she's much harder on herself than she is on others, and that's a shame. You feel good about you, right? You're weight loss success has made you happy, and you spread that happiness everywhere you go. We all benefit from your uplifted attitude. We are all happy for you! I agree with Dustyn....there are ignorant people everywhere. Anyone who says WLS is the "easy" way out doesn't know what they are talking about. Who in their right mind would choose such a drastic method of weight loss unless they've failed at every other attempt to maintain a normal weight? I'm pre-op. My VSG surgery should occur sometime in October. I was in denial for over a year while my doctor prodded me to have WLS to resolve my diabetes. I have all these comorbidities because I can't keep weight off now due to the insulin and my bad knees. I had to humble myself and finally admit that surgical intervention might be just the tool I need to give me my life back. So, I don't care who says to me I took the "easy" way out; It makes me laugh. If only they knew what I know. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes. That's what I'd tell that Curves manager, Kim, with a big smile on my face, "Walk a mile in my shoes!"
   — AlmaRene

September 13, 2008
I would take time to cool off, write down and rehearse what I wanted to say and then confront her in a calm, cool manner. I would make her realize how inappropriate and uneducated her comments were and then give her 2 options. One: she can treat you like everyone else and NEVER speak to me like that again OR Two: lose my business as I will report her and then take it elsewhere. Hold you head high and be proud you did what you had to do to save your life. You go girl! Gosh, I have no patience for ignorance or rudeness. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

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