is vomiting common

I have a friend that got it done and she was told that vomiting was common. I wouldnt think so but i got to know.    — momcon2 (posted on February 5, 2009)

February 5, 2009
I would agree for about the first 6 months then after that hardly ever, maybe once every couple of years. That is speaking for myself.
   — Carlyn M.

February 5, 2009
I dont think it is common. You are suppose to throw up regularly. When I throw up it is because I ate too much or my food wasn't small enough and it got stuck. But no...not NORMAL to throw up.
   — shackett0426

February 5, 2009
I had RNY 8/28 and as long as my sinus issues are under control the only time I have issues vomiting is when I do something stupid like eat to fast or to much or sugar..... If I follow the Dr orders and eat lean protein and some veggies I am fine.
   — phyllismmay

February 5, 2009
I meant to say you are NOT suppose to throw up regularly.
   — shackett0426

February 5, 2009
Some people have a regular problem with this and it is steady. Most figure out the problem early and get it taken care of. Usually it is how you are eating.
   — trible

February 5, 2009
I can count on one hand how many times I have vomited since RNY surgery in 5 years! I do not believe it is normal to vomit regularly...But we are all different and have different tolerances for pain as well and while I felt nauseous often the first few months, I didn't actaully vomit, unless I over ate and it sometimes comes back up! But, without stomach acid, it isn't foul...It's just chewed food and still tastes like it did while you were chewing! (Sorry so graphic!)
   — .Anita R.

February 5, 2009
Is it vomiting or frothing? Sometimes when too much is ingested it comes right back up. You have to think of it like a baby stomach. Baby's stomach are brand new and never been used so they spit up alot. One thing you have is your mind knowing that too much food will cause you to froth or spit up the food that the pouch can't take. You will learn as you go what your tolerance levels are. Your body will give you clear indications that it's had way too much. Hope this helps.
   — Corina C

February 5, 2009
For the first year after having lap RNY, I would vomit every time I ate chicken. It also happened with other foods if I ate too fast or didn't chew well. If you have questions about this, feel free to ask your surgeon. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

February 5, 2009
From what I have read from the other posters on this site, it seems to depend on the type of surgery you had whether you have more of a tendency to vomit - but in all cases, it appears to primarily happen if you eat too much or too fast. I had VGS on 9/5/08 and have vomited twice - both times because I ate too fast and thus too much! It it definitely a learning experience!
   — Wendy M.

February 5, 2009
i have thrown up once in 26 months -- my husband on the other hand made a habit of it -- he overate and ate alot of the wrong food choices and he ate too fast -- but i don't think it SHOULD be common -- there are plenty of ppl who have never thrown up
   — RCassety

February 9, 2009
Individuals vary, but if you avoid greasy or fried foods, eat VERY slowly, chew SMALL bites very thoroughly, avoid dairy products if hard to tolerate, try new things carefully, like hot and spicy, strong coffee, veggie and fruit skins if a problem, any foods that give YOU problems. Mine are peanut butter, wieners, sausage, pasta (other than Dreamfields) and Overly smoked foods. I can eat Habaneros, Dark Roasted Creole coffee, Chili etc with no problem. It takes a ton of sugar to give me dumping syndrome, but I don't touch it by choice. Tomatoes and potatoes help meats to go down easier for ME. Everyone is different and I have days I could eat railroad spikes and some I can't tolerate water. I had my RNY July 2nd last year and could eat almost anything from the start, but took it slowly. I'm having homemade vegetable beef soup for lunch and it's great. Try different things, and find what works for you and "Bon Apetit!" Dusty @};-
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

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