Help! 13 Days Post Op and Diarrhea!

Hi, Can someone please help me? I'm 13 post op. and have diarrhea terrible! is this normal?    — DSchueller (posted on July 26, 2009)

July 25, 2009
Hi Darlene, I am 2 and a half weeks post op. and starting on the 6th day until 2 days ago I had severe diarhea. You're just a few days behind me and for your sake I hope yours eases up in a day or two also. Such a miserable feeling!
   — demolady1956

July 26, 2009
i had the same thing, but still call your doctor. if you have to much diarrhea your potassium can drop and lead to other problems.
   — laydcherry

July 26, 2009
I had the same problem right after surgery and the nurse told me to make a banana smoothie
   — Muggs

July 26, 2009
You will have this. I had it so bad that I carried a change of underwear and pants with me if I left the house. Think of it like a are on liquids/soft foods and your body is re-learning itself just like a baby does after its goes away.
   — Ursie77

July 27, 2009
Speak to your doctor. It sounds like dumping so could be what your are drinking. I had to change from milk to Lactaid after surgery and look at sugar alcohols in things you eat and drink. Some people have more difficuly with foods high with sugar alcohols.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 27, 2009
I had horrible diarrhea for about the first 2 weeks! Horrible! Def check with your doc and nut. Mine cleared when I changed brands of the liquid protein powder I was using.
   — bluewater09

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