Are you experiencing bone deficiency

I am 9 yrs post op Rouy-n-y. From 310 to 142 lbs. I am now experiencing lots of complications with arthritis and bone aches. I have had one herniad disk surgery and now am having problems with my hips. Several test have been run and are unable to locate the problem. Is anyone experiencing the same problems? Any suggestions? Please email me at [email protected]    — Sammi G. (posted on December 20, 2009)

December 21, 2009
I am sorry I have no answers but am interested to ask if you have been taking calcium supplements daily and what. I am concerned about this for the future, I am 2 yrs post op. Sorry you having so many problems.
   — island651

December 21, 2009
You should talk to your doctor about the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Or look it up online and see if you have any of them. I have Fibro and if your tests show nothing it is probably likely you have it. It is pain in the 4 quadrants in the body. Hips (left/right, shoulder left/right, pain all over that feels like you have the flu especially in the neck area. Check it out. It also makes people feel like they have arthritis in the hips but it is actually Fibro. I don't want to put things in your head, but a lot of people have it and don't know it or about it. Keep us or me posted. Fibro isn't a bone issue. It isn't inflammation, it is pain in the nerves (over sensitive nerve endings) that happen to be in the joint area, so that is why we think it is arthritis. Some of it is like lower back arthritis and some neck arthritis, that can be seen on xray. Best wishes
   — Kristy

December 21, 2009
I too have recently been loads of aches & pains and one doctor has suggested it could be fibromyalgea... I seem to have continuously aching legs, shoulders and neck. I am so fed up....I am on tramadol 100mg+paracetamol 100mg 4 times a day! The pain is at its worst first thing in the morning! I too could really do with some ideas/ suggestions.
   — anoushka

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