celebrating 2 years post op onjune 19th

Just wanted to post that i celebrated my 2 yr anniversary on June 19th for my RNY surgery. Life is good . I have been maintsaining for about 14 months and my life is so good..other than the peri those hormones are wreaking havoc on me! hahaha best of luck to everyone out there...go to support gorupsd and follow the will be successful! hugs n God bless! Kim    — gpcmist (posted on June 20, 2010)

June 20, 2010
Well congratulations! I celebrated my two year mark on 12/09 and I was a little scared because I had lost a little too much highest weight!! I'm a petite person, at 5'2" 240# was my Highest weight. My surg weight was 224#. My weight at 2 yrs, Dec. '09 109#, Size 2 XS. Then I pledged a new years resolution to quit smoking, and was successful, after smoking for 25 years! Yay me!! But, now I've crept back up to 123# at 2.5 years out. I was wearing a size 2 and now I am in a size 4/6. My hips were 34" now they are 36"! AWWW! Poor me! :( At 109#, I had lost my figure, my face was hanging, along with the rest of me, and I looked boney. I know this. My family tells me that now. I do look better, at this weight. Healthier. But I am gripped with fear that I won't stop here. I have been hovering between 122 - 125 for a few months, but the fear of gaining the weight back, after all I went thru to lose it, is a daily monster that haunts me. Anyhow, just thought I'd share. Now that you are here. Just be careful, stick to the plan!! Bee cool with your tool!! Lesleigh07 in Georgia :)
   — lesleigh07

June 20, 2010
Thanks Kim. You are an inspiration!
   — browngathers

June 20, 2010
Kim I am so glad you posted this, you are an inspiration to all of us. I am going on a year soon and I am underweight right now but I am happy. It has been one heck of a year though, it's been rough with a lot of illness for me, but it is better. I wished that my insurance would have paid for the VSG, but it didn't and there isn't too much I can do about it now.
   — FSUMom

June 20, 2010
Hey Kim Congrats on the fine job you have done. I hope to be joining you very soon in the weight loss department. See you at the meeting on Thursday.. Blessings Brian
   — cubdaddy

June 21, 2010
Hey Kim Congratulations!!!! My 2 year anniversary of my VSG was June 18th. I still need to lose another 15 to 20 pounds to be to my actual goal weight but, I have been maintaining my 80 pound wight loss for about 14 months now. Just can't seem to get it down any lower. I am comfortable where I am though and my health is better than it has been in years so, I can't really complain. I thank God every day for the gift of the VSG. That's great that you have maintained and that you share your successes and give encouragement to others. God Bless you!!!! Jodi
   — Jodi L.

June 21, 2010
thanks to everyone who responded.I was 238 at my highest and 4'11" and a size 22 or 24..i am now 115 and a size 4. Feel great ..look saggy, but hubby doesn't mind. Kept most of my boobs! lol I think i look pretty good clothes..I certainly have gained men's attentions, not that that matters... happily married. But my hormones are definately back into pre op stages..doc confirmed peri menopause and I had no idea what to expect with this. Libido went into over drive and emotionally I was a wreck, crying alot..also be aware if you are around my age...45/ came on all of a sudden and lasted about 2 weeks intitially. still have crying days, and sex drive comes n goes...but seems to be worse around my period. Just a heads up people! =-) hugs n God Bless, Kim
   — gpcmist

June 21, 2010
YEAH, Kim!!!!!!!!
   — Muggs

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