My arm feels dead after b12 injection...why.

just had my first b12 injection at the drs and had in in my top right arm. when the dr put it in it crunched and he said i have good strong skin for it to do that and have quite soild arms fom muscle building. since the injection about 40 minutes ago my arm feels like i have been punched in it and feels heavy and sore and stiff to move is this normal after a b12. i am going to do my own b12 and folic from now on and maybe i shouldve chosen my leg instead....i didnt get folic this time as it wasnt needed. whats the secret to not having the injections not hurting when self administering them..    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 26, 2001)

December 26, 2001
I am no expert, but I have had a lot of experience with injections. I used to get allergy shots twice a week, and also Depo-Provera every three months. Both these shots were injected into the muscle in my upper arms. It seems that sometimes, I guess depending on who does it or where the needle goes, it gets that feeling. Like your whole arm is sore, and sometimes tingly and hard to bend. It sucks, but I don\'t think it is anything to be concerned about. Maybe it just hits a nerve. I have had that happen to me many times.
   — Jennifer Y.

December 26, 2001
i dont get shots but i do have sublingual b-12 1000. i got at the gnc store they go under your tongue.
   — aida M.

December 26, 2001
I'm not sure what the "crunching" sound was. I've been a nurse for over 13 years and do frequent injections since I work in the public health department. Note: In all my years of nursing, I've never given an allergy shot in the muscle - they are given into the fat. However, I do give frequent B12 injections and most people prefer the hip site since b12 can cause irritation for awhile. I think if I was going to do my own IM injections I'd give them in the thigh. Good Luck to you. Krista
   — Krista L. S.

December 26, 2001
I give myself the shots in the thigh with a 1/2 inch needle.The nurse told me she gives them in the butt. I have never had pain with my shot, I've been doing it for 3 months. I am surprised she gave it to you in the arm. If you are going to have more shots you should ask for the butt or thigh. Good luck
   — Becky K.

January 31, 2004
I also have to get a B12 shot once a month. I asked my cousin's wife who happened to be my nurse last month why it hurt my arms so much. She said she would inject it in my hip. I haven't had any problems yet. It didn't hurt either. Ask your nurse about it.
   — Pamela Y.

January 31, 2004
My first one hurt too, no idea why..the next ones I had my husband give me in my thigh..One secret I found is I put an ice cube on the spot first and I cant feel a thing..Good luck
   — Kathy S.

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