Anyone had to have all tests done before seeing the surgeon?

I saw my PCP about a month ago start me down the road to surgery...He informed me that I need to have these tests done before he will even send me to see the surgeon...A breathing test,a ultra sound of my belly, and a psychiatric eval. Has anyone else had to have these tests done before even seeing the surgeon for the first time? I have had everything done other then the psychiatric eval..Thats tomorrow...I was wondering why insurance companys pay to have this stuff done before you even see your surgeon...Does it mean since they paid for the tests and paying for me to see the surgeon mean they will pay for the surgery?? Please help    — Debbie S. (posted on January 7, 2002)

January 7, 2002
Yes, I too had to have some test before seeing my surgeon. They were a nutrional consult, psch eval, and letter of recomendation from PCP along with a five year weight history of a 100 # or more overweight and documentaion of other failed weight loss programs. This helps to speed up the approval process..
   — [Anonymous]

January 7, 2002
I am recently approved with a surgery date of Jan 18. My PCp referred me to a surgeon, who I had an appt with but with whom you see only the Nurse Practitioner until you have a long list of tests done, including endoscopy, pulmonary consult with sleep study, nutrition consult with a licensed dietitian, psych consult, EKG, blood work, Chest Xray, etc, they want to make sure that you are sick enough to need the surgery and well enough to live thru it! LOL! When I finally got to see the surgeon, it was after all results had been received by his office and I had been deemed a "good candidate" for this surgery (open RNY) Hope this helped, Good luck, Donna
   — donnalawbabe

January 7, 2002
I have Kaiser Insurance and have had to have TONS of tests done..Blood work up the Yazzoo, ultrasound, Diatician, Sleep Study, Gyno, Urologist, Orthopedic Surgeon and a Physical Therapist..and thats not including the classes Ive had to take and the 10 Year dieting information. Just do whatever it takes..Your day will come too.
   — mastrnservnt

January 7, 2002
i am 3 weeks post op open rny/silastic band today. when i informed my cardiologist last august about my decision to have wls he immediately went into test mode. within a month i had every cardio test imaginable from the simple blood draw to an angiogram. he wanted to be very very sure that i could withstand the ordeal of surgery. after my angiogram his first words to me were...good luck with ur surgery! i had also been under psychiatric care for a year so i didnt need the psych eval...just a letter from the dr to the surgeon that i was of sound mind. because i had all the required (& then some) tests done before hand my wait for a surgery date was cut in half. i am the only wls patient my pcp & cardiologist have. they r thrilled to have me & r soooo supportive. last week the cardio doc & i were kissing, hugging & laffing in his office because i no longer need the 3 blood pressure meds i had been on for 6 years. if u can get all ur tests in before hand & present them to ur surgeon at ur consult, do it! it certainly cant hurt, & it most certainly will help. good luck!
   — sheryl titone

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