Both my husband and myself are over 100 pounds over weight. Can we both be approved?

   — Seana B. (posted on January 8, 2002)

January 8, 2002
Both myself and my wife Jen have had the surgery. I have lost 110 pounds snce July 23rd, my wife Jen 27 pounds since December 10. We seperated surgery dates so we could help care for each other. This has been a big success for us. Find a klocal support group meeting and attend. Its the best way to see what surgery can do. Seeing other successful post ops in their new healthier life. Click on my name to read my profile, it tells our stories.
   — bob-haller

January 8, 2002
YES ....You can both have the surgery my husband and i both has had it .Mine was October 24 th 2001,my husband just had surgery December 2 nd . We wanted enough time to take care of each other . good luck
   — Julie B.

January 8, 2002
My husband and I had the surgery the same day. We did all of our tests together. See our profile. Fay
   — faybay

January 8, 2002
My surgery is next Friday and my husband just started his pre-op and hopes to have his done in March 2002, we purposely spaced ours apart so we could help each other recover. It does not matter insurance wise, it is all an individual case by case basis. Good Luck! Donna
   — donnalawbabe

January 8, 2002
One thing I would say is if you are going to do it some time apart, maybe you should go first so you don't get jealous. Men lose a lot faster! :)
   — ctyst

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