Been put down for having WLS , media don't help us !

Just because I had the wls people look at me as being hard up and desparate to loose weight!! Media don't help. Last night channel 4 news at 11:00pm had 3min. spot on wls. It featured one woman who went from 400 to 90 lbs. and sue her surgeon for 2 million dollars and won. She said she gladly weigh the 400lbs again then to go through what she has. There's a 600lb man who had the surgery and lost 200lb. but regained it back. He is bedridden. The third feature was a father, mother, daughter had the surgery. Now they all look great. Qestion!! Whenever wls surgery is in the media news they never mention the varies of wls's. And they also made us look like we are so desparate to lose the weight. Like we are such pigs and can't stopped eating and no diet can work for us.Why can't they interview or do more coverage of postive sucess stories. At a health food store a lady was helping me select a protein powder and I explained why protein is very important to me because of my surgery. She looked at me like I was a leper. She says, my friend lost 80lbs by going to the gym and never thought of doing something crazy as that!!! but thats how people view us. We are fat slobs who can't stop eating and resort to wls. Just my thoughts and wonder if anyone has had hurtful comments made to them for having wls.    — Laura G. (posted on February 25, 2002)

February 25, 2002
Dear Laura, It was long, long ago that I gave up caring what other people think about anything that I do, want or value. I have a perfectly good moral compass that guides me and, for the most part, I make GREAT decisions in the conduct of my life. (After all a little folly is good for the human experience, I just try not to repeat the more foolish ones.) I suggest you will find a more peaceful existence if you practice rolling your eyes, lifting one eyebrow and shaking your head at the ignorance of other people's thoughts. It truly works for me...Good Luck!
   — merri B.

February 25, 2002
What are the call letters for the station? I'd like to see if they have anything on their website. As to what you say, I'm with Merri. You just have to get over caring what other people say. You are the one who has to make decisions about your life, you are the one who had to live in an MO body, you are the one who will live with whatever happens after your surgery. When the person at the health food store talked about knowing someone who had dieted and exercised 80 pounds off, you could have just said 'well, good for her' and left it at that. TV news is geared toward getting ratings and making money for the networks and stations. It is not really about providing fair and balanced coverage, no matter what they say.
   — garw

February 25, 2002
First, I was desperate to lose weight and couldn't do it by "traditional" methods. I wouldn't have went under the knife if I wasn't desperate, so having someone say to me I was desperate would be met with the answer, "yes, so"? Second, television is into sensationislism and those kind of stories, negative stories, heartbreaking stories, etc, get the attention. It's not just wls, you heear about the child beaten to death, how many stories do they do on happy kids? None, because it's not news. Being happy and healthy usually isn't news, although sometimes if a person has lost enough weight it's news and they will show the positive side. As for hurtful remarks, well, people can be cruel. I don't care terribly what people say. I learned somewhere back in grade school you can try to please everyone, but you can't because there is always someone who has to be negative. Frankly, I was fat, though not a slob, and couldn't stop eating which is why I had my tummy altered to a smaller size, and again I say so? The best thing to do is be happy, it's the best revenge, and don't worry so much about what other people think.
   — Becky K.

February 25, 2002
Hi Laura! First of all, congrats on having the surgery and doing something positive for yourself and for taking good care of yourself post-op (the protein powder). Please keep in mind that people who have not struggled with weight have no idea what it's like. They are, in a word, ignorant (about this, anyway). Their opinion - especially a stranger's - matters less than nothing in choosing what is right for you and your life. I wish they could have our "problem" just for 6 months, let's say and then I'd like to hear the advice they'd give and the judgements they make. I am a psychiologist and public speaker (speaking on self esteem, by the way) and often the people to whom I speak share some wonderful observations with me. This is one I partularly value: "What you think of me is none of my business". Just remember tbat there are hundreds of people out here who support you and your effort and determination. Keep doing what you're doing. Lots of lucl and love - Nancy
   — Nancy Z.

February 25, 2002
Well that is the media for you. (Coming from someone who works for a newspaper.) Negative stories are the mainstay of media. They won't tell you about the 999 out of 1000 people who have WLS and do great, but the 1 out of 1000 who has problems, will make the front page or top story everytime.
   — Dell H.

February 25, 2002
As much as I wish it didn't matter, people's opinions of me have always been high on my list. I grew up in a prominent family in a small town. I always felt like I was on display everywhere I went. I moved to a big city and was so ecstatic that I was anonymous. (I know - I'm a little quirky! LOL) Because of that, I have chosen to keep this surgery a closely guarded secret. Only my family knows and 3 close friends. 2 of those friends have been great - very supportive and encouraging. The other one, who has battled obesity for some time, but is now losing weight, said she'd never resort to anything this "drastic". That kind of hurt. And if she'll say it, then others that aren't as close to me will say even worse. So I'll just keep it quiet and live with my secret.
   — Katy B.

February 25, 2002
I hope you shoved the protein powder back to her and walked out. People like that don't deserve the business. I would have also called the store's owner and given them a piece of my mind.
   — Goldilauxx B.

February 25, 2002
I was really mad last night too because on the 11:00 news here they had a quick spot on WLS also which they entitled "stomach stapling" (already misleading). Carnie Wilson was on and then another local woman was on who said it ruined her life. Problem was Carnie had rny and the other patient had VBG. The second woman also had the procedure done back in 1984. So, how can you compare two different surgeries at two different times for two different people? Oh and by the way, the lady who said she had all this trouble was eating a ham sandwich and potato chips as they were filming! We have to deal with ignorance every day I guess.....even from my own family!
   — emilyfink

February 26, 2002
Just as a footnote: I was in the grocery store the other day and looked at a magazine cover which had on it as a major story "Be Thinner! The Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight!" and the recipe featured on the cover was some kind of chocolate chip brownie with caramel sauce-dessert-thing. It is no wonder that we are so schizoid about food and eating!
   — Marjorie B.

February 26, 2002
Why do you care? I'm not being sarcastic here! Hear me out! Eleanor Roosevelt once said that no one can make you feel inferior without your permission. I am 6 mos post-op, -80 lbs, and I'm feeling too good and loving life too much to give 2 flying hoots what anyone thinks. If someone thinks I "couldn't control myself" so I "had to do something drastic", so what? So the media tells a few horror stories, so what? I'm laughing all the way to the bathroom scale!
   — Nancy G.

February 27, 2002
That is the exact reason I chose to keep my surgery a SECRET! I dont really care what people think I just felt I didnt need any negativity around me while I was struggling with my life after WLS. It's hard enough adjusting to this new life, why make it any more difficult?
   — [Anonymous]

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