Am afraid what should i expect?

My wife is undergoing RNY on 5-8, i am very nervous, can someone please any a few ???, what kind of other surgery can i compare this to in regards to risk, some have told me compare to Heart bypass others say like Gall bladder, my wife is having a lap in lieu of open proceduew is this safier and when do most complications crop up during or right after surgery, week after or much later in other words when can i feel safe that she is out of danger from MAJOR complications?    — Rich C. (posted on April 30, 2002)

May 3, 2002
Rich, I am 3DAYS post op,,,,I know your fears,,but hear i am on the computer,,,,I also had a lap rny (4-30) on tuesday, and was on a demerol PCA pump for about 12 hours,,,there really was not too much pain,,,it did remind me of when i had lap gallbladder surgery, but this was not as painful,,,just alot of soreness, the next day after the demerol was dc'ed i started feeling better,,it really gave me a dry mouth,,,I was on an IV the whole time to stop dehydration, I also ran a low grade fever and am still running around 99.4 this afternoon,,,I'm not worried about it,,I'm a nurse and a little fever is ok,,,they give you liquids in the hosp,,although i was'nt hungry,,they also put some flowtron hose on my legs while i was in bed to prevent blood clots,,also got heparin shots,,,now 3 days later, I'm still kind of woozy,,,don't feel like sleeping alot, and def. don't feel like being up alot,,been eating a few bites of chicken with rice soup for breakfast,and lucnc,,had a few bite of scrambled egg this am,,,i'm working on the water, but i don't want to get full and throw up so i just take sips frequently,,,taking 4 chewable vitamins starting today,,I'm supposed to do liquids for a week, but i've tolerated the few bites of things I've had so i'll prob do half and half,,,warm decaf tea is nice,,,Best of luck to you and your wife,,,its a big decision, and i'm too new to say if i did or not,,,but i'm hoping each day will get easier and if you read further post op's each day does,,,Feel free to email me questions at [email protected],,,and remember, nothing tastes as good as being thin feels! Susie
   — Susie R.

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