Anyone know any post-ops who have ever been featured in any magazines?

I posted this before,but no answers....I have a friend who is going to have WLS she is 5'6 240 lbs and of course,like me,doesn't look that big. Oddly enough she has hardly any stretch marks or cellulite(lucky!)Anyways, she is very open with herself anyways.. but when she gets to her goal weight she really would like to pose for a magazine like playboy or something. I was wondering if anyone has ever accomplished this after WLS? More power to ya if after all that weight you can look that good. But I just don't want her to have false hope. I think she may be able to pull it off in time... I could never do it, but if ya knew this girl, you'd see she's already a little j/k..thank you!    — Sunny4x4chick (posted on May 21, 2002)

May 21, 2002
I don't know of anyone that has been in any playboy or any other magazine, but hey, you never know. I say, tell your friend to go for it, I would love to see someone who achieved their goals though weight loss surgery and appeared in a fashion magazine looking good. Personally , when I reach my goal I was thinking about go into acting, something I've wanted to do all my life. I wish her all the luck and will be on the lookout for her.
   — Rebe W.

May 21, 2002
Never say never, but do be down to earth. I believe it can happen, but it is silly to have surgery because you want to be a model. That is a very unhealthy thing and she needs to know that. It is great to have plans, but if she thinks that by having surgery she will have the perfect body overnight, she's wrong. As unfair as this might be, I don't thinks "almost no stretch marks" is what Playboy is looking for. It's a cold world and if your not "perfect" you won't be doing any swim suit adds. But I don't want to kill anyone's dreams because I do believe anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Just know that if her main purpose of WLS is to be a model and not to become healthy, she will be at high risk of an eating disorder. Best of Luck just the same.
   — Sarah K.

May 21, 2002
Just one word.... airbrush...ask any model and they will tell you that fixing flaws is a standard in magazines... I wish your friend all the luck in the world, but I sure don't hope that she is going to have this surgery just to try and be a model... Good luck and keep us posted =)
   — Beffy W.

May 21, 2002
I was in Fitness Magazine
   — Stacey S.

May 21, 2002
You do not have to be "perfect" to be in Playboy, that's why they have airbrushing. I watched a show on Playboy almost a year ago, and they airbrush almost everyone. Anyway to add to the WLS posing, I heard that they asked Carnie Wilson to pose now that she has lost all the weight, but she refused until she gets plastic surgery. I figure if they ask her, they probably would have other non celebrity women that also have had WLS done to due a whole pictorial. It would be interesting
   — Carey N.

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