Saw my surgon last week and he suggested time for TT, now I've called plastic surgeon

and they all say insurance doesn't cover this, any suggestions? The last lady I called takes my insurance but she didn't think they covered TT any info would help so much (my puter on the blink at home but my work email is [email protected]) Thanks!!!!    — Sammie D. (posted on May 28, 2002)

May 28, 2002
Sammie -- I will be having my TT done in July along with a breast lift. My insurance is paying for the TT, you just need to have documentation of infections, fungus, etc., Hope this is helpful. I also had pictures of the infected area that the doctor sent in with the request for this surgery. I believe that this helped a lot with the pictures.
   — LINDA C.

May 28, 2002
Hi: I too am scheduled for both a tummy tuck and a breast lift...BOTH covered by insurance!! (although, I won't believe it till the roll me in the OR room!!) Anyway, I too had documentation regarding rashes, back pain, etc. The PS also took pictures that were submitted to insurance. They concluded that it was medically necassary and NOT cosmetic. Good luck!
   — Karen A.

May 28, 2002
I am scheduled for TT on June 12th, which insurance is covering. I understand that they normally wouldn't cover it, but since I am having my gall bladder removed at the same time, they consented to cover it. I also sent in pictures...big beautiful 8x10 color glossys of all different angles and "poses". I also sent in a 3 page letter documenting the rashes, the skin infections I get if I shave the "bikini" area, the low back pain, and the sexual side the hanging skin covers the pubic area and makes sex "difficult" and general "female hygiene" difficulties because of this hanging skin. It worked for me, as I was approved for the TT in less than 10 days. Good luck!
   — Mustang

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