Why do my ankles and legs swell up

I am really getting frustrated with my ankles and legs because they keep getting swollen and are very tender to the touch. My labs are completely normal, Iam drinking my water. I never had this problem pre-op and I ate tons of salt prior to my surgery 6 months ago. Are we more sensitive to salt now? My doctor already prescribe me water pills and all it does it make me go to the bathroom alot. Does wearing the TED HOSE really help?? any suggestions would be appreciated!!! open rny, down 92 lbs.    — Laura G. (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 6, 2002
I could be TOTALLY wrong here, but pretty sure I read some info in my surgery packet that talked about lack of enough protein maybe causing swelling in the ankles/feet. Maybe someone else can answer for sure..
   — Lisa F.

June 6, 2002
I too had the same problem between 2 and 3 months post-op with the swelling in the ankles and lower legs. My pcp told me that lack of enough protein can cause this, so she ordered some lab work and sure enough my prealbumin was low so I started on the protein shakes and within a couple weeks the swelling went away. I hope this helps.
   — Patricia T.

June 6, 2002
I know how frustrating it is. I've had this problem since a botched surgery in 1993... I had hoped that it would go away after WLS, but no luck.
   — Danmark

June 6, 2002
I had edema pre op and took massive amounts of prescribed diuretics to combat it. I was surprised how I was not swelling my first weeks post op but since I have been subsequently taking off my diuretics I'm swelling again. My doc said long-term diuretics use is tough on the kidney so try lemon juice in my water and limit salt intake. You pee a lot a first but I seem to have adjusted and see much less swelling. Also since I have a job where I stand most of the day knee-highs and thigh highs were suggested.
   — Laurie B.

June 6, 2002
You poor thing. I had horrid problems with swelling before my surgery and now I hardly swell at all. However, I had a sister who had problems with edema no matter what size she was. She ended up having to wear support hose - the doctors could never diagnose the cause, but it was extremely painful for her. Best of luck to you.
   — Patty_Butler

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