Any problem getting belly piercing 10 weeks post op?

I am 10 weeks post op from open RNY/Tummy tuck bikini line incision and my stomach is flat for the first time in my life. Would there be any problems with me getting my belly button pierced right now. The feeling is slowly coming back in that area and I would like to get it done before all the feeling comes back :)    — Michell C. (posted on July 5, 2002)

July 5, 2002
Go for it girl! I wouldnt think their would be any problem with it hurting anything. I asked my friend Brock (to make sure it would be okay) about it who is a body piercer and he said everything would be alright and it wouldnt hurt anything. If you are really worried about it call the place where you are getting it done at and ask them....: )
   — Crystal R.

July 6, 2002
Another GO FOR IT GIRL post here. I am still pre-op, but my navel is peirced, and it didn't hurt at all. As it was healing though if you sleep on your tummy, sometimes it'll turn and pinch a little, but that's about it. It takes 9 months to heal properly, so follow all the advice your "dude" will be giving you. I'm going to put string through mine during surgery,or will be putting it back in asap! Even on my fat tummy I like mine.
   — Moma V.

July 6, 2002
I got my belly button pierced when I reached a size 16. Just something I wanted to do for myself...I guess just to prove I could do it LOL...however, surgeon made me remove it when I had my TT. And he cautioned me that the "new" belly button could have a belly ring, but it might not look "right". But hey, if your doc says it's okay, and your "piercer" is okay with it (some get funny with "new" surgical incision areas), GO FOR IT AND HAVE FUN!! And make sure you get a "cute" ring LOL ~CAE~
   — Mustang

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