Should I see the Surgeon about my incision?

I am 2 1/2 weeks RNY Lap post op. My incisions were itching like crazy and I took the steri strips off. Now around two or three of the incisions I have red rings around the sites. They itch like crazy. I called the surgeons office yesterday and the nurse and I discussed that probably I was having an allergic reaction to the tape of the steri strips. She told me to use hydrocortisone. The incisions look like they are healing well it is just the skin around them that itch and are red. My surgeons office is a two hour drive so I don't want to make an unneccesary trip if I don't need to. Any ideas or suggestions?    — Joanie J. (posted on July 26, 2002)

July 26, 2002
WEll when I had my staples out, they put on steri strips and around the strips I got raised welts, they started clear and then turned a dark color. I went to have my inc. checked it was fine, the nurse told me I was allergic to the steri strips. Hope this helps.
   — paulsgirl

July 27, 2002
I had the same thing happen to me. My incision never itched, just the skin on either side where the steri-strips were attached. After I took them off, the skin stopped being itchy and red.
   — Loretta E.

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