Do I really need a sleep apnea test??

I am semi....approved for the surgery. WHich means they needed one more thing and I will be approved. Which is not a problem. I should have a date by Monday. But she said the only thing that could set my date back is the sleep apnea test. I didn't even know I had it. Can someone tell me if I really need to have this done??? I think after losing weight I would quit snoring. lol Thanks for the help. JULIE    — Julann A. (posted on August 1, 2002)

August 1, 2002
I had apnea and wasnt diagnosed and nearly died after minor knee surgery. They had yto give me NARCAM the anti narcotic cause my breatrhing was so bad. Trust me GET THE TEST! Once they know you have it its just a nuisance to be handled...
   — bob-haller

August 1, 2002
YES, You definitely should get a sleep study done! Please read the memorial on Ginger Brewster on the memorial page to find out what could possibly happen if you don't get treated for your sleep apnea. Needless to say, it is VERY dangerous to go into surgery with untreated sleep apnea. If you have any questions or comments after reading about Ginger please e-mail me privately.
   — Hackett

August 1, 2002
The insurance company will need a documented sleep test to verify if you have sleep apnea...and also, of course you need the test as well to find out. Also, snoring does not equal sleep apnea. Many people snore but do not have sleep apnea. The only way to test for sleep apnea is with a sleep test in a sleep lab. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 1, 2002
YES! MY friend is having this done because I told her what happend to me. I had my surgery 5/02 I never had this test and I ended up in ICU. When I came out of surgery and they were giving me morphine combined with undiagnosed sleep apnea I stopped breathing. I ended up in the hospital extra amt. of time on oxygen and a cpap machine. If they had known prior this may not have happend it was very scary. And by the way I don't snore anymore. kellie harris
   — kellie H.

August 1, 2002
Depends on your Surgeon, PCP, or insurance. I was not required to have one.
   — sbinkerd1

August 1, 2002
I understand your reluctance to have a sleep study done. I work at a company that supplies CPAP machines - we have a sleep study machine you can take with you so that you can be tested in your own bed. It had several wires to "attach" to various body parts - but I never would've been able to sleep in a sleep lab so I was willing to try. It showed I had moderate sleep apnea and that helped me get approved for surgery. Give it some thought and good luck!
   — Kim A.

August 2, 2002
Julann YES have the sleep apnea test, it helps the surgeon as well as you an puts minds at ease. Its all part of the precautions to having this surgery. I had sleep apnea so bad my stopped breathing 120 times an hr you will be amazed, now that I have lost 125 lbs my level 20 times in an hr an only on my back. Its a pain but its worth it. Good luck!! :))
   — Wendy G.

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