Has anyone had the lap-band procedure?

I went to a seminar last week and am going to a consultation this week with a surgeon that does the lap-band procedure. I am trying to get some discussion from anyone that has had this type of procedure.    — Debbie B. (posted on October 7, 2002)

October 7, 2002
You might want to check the library here and also look at or one of the yahoo groups (I don't know the exact address).
   — Toni C.

October 7, 2002
I joined the chat/support at .. the folks there have been wonderful and extrememly supportive. I found that you will not get alot of info about the LapBand here, unfortunately.
   — Jeanie

October 7, 2002
I just love my band! It's true that you really won't find much objective information here about the band. Some great email lists are found at There are also links to info on my webpage: Feel free to email me also. My address is on my profile page here and my website. The band rocks!
   — M. B.

October 7, 2002
I love my band too! I made it to goal in just under 6 months. I agree that there is not much info about the band on this sight, but I hope that you will stick with because the people are so friendly and supportive. More and more people with the band are joining too. Good luck and write if you have questions I can help with.
   — Caddy W.

October 19, 2008
Can not seem to loose weight with lapband surgery.
   — viviianne

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