Would you do it again? Why? or Why not?

Did you experience any complications? What were they? I am working on an argumentative research paper for my nursing degree. I would like responses to the above questions both positive and negative. No identities will be used in my paper other than for example 43 y o f or 35 y o m. I have had surgery, and consider myself sucessful as I reached my goal within one year and am currently maintaining. I no longer take BP meds, asthma meds, arthritis meds, and no longer have diabetes.    — Lynn S. (posted on October 8, 2002)

October 8, 2002
I had a complication after 5 days out of a RNY Lap. I had what they call a herniated intestine, or in layman's terms, a kinked hose. I experienced severe pain that was much like a gall bladder attack, and they had to go back in and fix it. My doc was able to do it again lap. I had to have a feeding tube for about 3 weeks, in which I had to pour Ensure to keep myself nourished. That was the worst thing that happened. I am now doing just great, -45 pounds from size 24 to 18 (loose) and not having any other problems.
   — missmollyk

October 8, 2002
Yes!!!!!!!!I would do this again in a heart beat. I had open rny on 2/22/02 and have lost 100 lbs. I went from a size 20 to size 6. This is the best thing I could have ever done for about change in quality of life!! I no longer take the three medications I was taking for type II diabetes. (haven't had to take it since the day of surgery) I no longer try to hide when I see someone I know,hoping they won't see me (or should I say hoping they wouldn't see how much weight i'd gained since I saw them last) I actually enjoy running into people now, it's wonderful. I am able to swim, rollerblade etc with my children, and they are loving it....need I say more? Yes if I had it to do all over again i would without a second thought.
   — Kelly T.

October 8, 2002
I forgot to mention in my post that I have not had any complications. I stayed one extra day in the hospital due to excess trapped gas and constipation, but other than that everything has been fine.
   — Kelly T.

October 8, 2002
Well I can't seem to reach goal. I'm at 80% loss. My only regret is I did'nt do this in the late 80's or 1990 at the latest. It would have made my other many surgeries go so much more easy. It would have made my 30's more pleasant rather than carrying all that heavy ugly weight around.
   — Danmark

October 8, 2002
Yes I would do it again. And no I didn't have any complications. Read my profile for details.
   — Linda A.

October 8, 2002
Hi Linda- I am 4.5 months out and down 85lbs. I had a Lap RNY. In just these few months I have gone from having moderate sleep apena to being able to sleep the whole night through. I can not even express to you what it feels like to get a full nights sleep after about 5 years of no rest. I'm 41 and I was not going to live the rest of my life on a CPAP. Although I have much more I want to lose, what has happened so far has saved my life. I had no complications (great surgeon) and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
   — Cheryl S.

October 8, 2002
I would do it once a year if that's what it took to keep the results I have had! No kidding. I had few complications -- pneumonia in the hospital, a couple of endoscopies in the first few months, once in awhile I get cramps in my feet or legs --- NOTHING compared to the pain I was in pre-op from arthritis, GERD, and plantar fascitis. I'm happy happy happy. hugs, Ann rny9/10/99 260/130
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 8, 2002
No I would not do it again. I am 2 months post-op and feel weak everyday although I now swim/do aqua-fit 5-6 times a week. I have lost 50 pounds which is nice but I wish I did not feel so depressed and so physically weak at times.The surgery (open RNY) went okay but woke up in agony and had terrible trouble with breathing for a good week.
   — chealsea L.

October 8, 2002
There are now five of us in my family, ranging in ages from 29 - 58, who are post-lap RNY and we are living testimonials to the absolute "wonder" of this surgery. Four of us are at goal, and my older daughter is just three weeks post-op. We four "veterans" are healthier and happier than we have been at any point in our adult all prior medications, including blood pressure and diabetic medications. We had wonderfully uncomplicated surgeries by an exquisite surgeon...two day hospitalizations, and back to work in 8-14 days. The only regret that has ever been expressed in our household is that we didn't have this surgery years and years ago. Would we do it again? a New York minute! Good luck on your paper!
   — Diana T.

October 8, 2002
I had no complications. WLS 1/19/2002. Starting weight370. I've lost 150 For the first 2 weeks if asked I would say no! But after that I think that this is the best thing I have ever done . I would do it again in a heartbeat. No more meds or sleep apneia. I also find that people are more accepting of me and my ideas.
   — Robert L.

October 8, 2002
I would definitly do it all over again, I haven't had any complications, except for minor dumping, consisting of running to the toilet and the dry heaves, I have lost 138 pounds and 91 inches, my highest weight was the day I got out of the hospital at 270 it is now 132 pounds and i am getting a tummytuck and breast reduction/lift in December, this surgery has literally saved my life!!!!!!
   — bikerchic

October 8, 2002
I am having problems with possibly ulcers and have burning almost every day. I also have a hernia. I have quite a bit of skin hanging, lost a lot of weight in my breasts which was the only place I couldn't afford to lose weight. Those are the only real negatives other than my concern on my health in the future. The positives: normal blood pressure, no more sleep apnea, breathing better, more energy. I would do it again in a second.
   — Lisa N M.

October 8, 2002
I am not sure if I would do it again NOW. I am only two months out and had major complications during open RNY. I have been fine since but have weird pains sometimes, dump easy, etc. I am sure this will get better and I will probably change my maybe to a yes in a few weeks or months. Good Luck.
   — TP

October 8, 2002
I had LAP RNY 11/09/01, at goal!! I did have minor complications, 2 strictures that had to be dilated. With the violent vomiting with the first one, I developed a Mallory-Weiss tear in my pouch and was throwing up blood as a result, and became dehydrated. And even with these problems, I never had an ounce of regret! I was desperate for this surgery. Would I do it again? In a SKINNY minute!! I have my life back!
   — Cheri M.

October 8, 2002
I, like the other two Post-op who are "newbies", (I am at 6 weeks) am not sure if I would do it again. No major complications, but I am weak and tired. I have no motivation to do anything. I can't seem to get all my water and protien in and that makes me feel guilty like before WLS and still dieting. I am having Major trouble with foods- I am either starving or sick to my "pouch." Maybe in 6 months after this learning curve, I can say, "Yes, in a heart beat." I hope so!
   — Rebecca P.

October 8, 2002
I was 44 when I had surgery, 8 yrs ago. I had distal RNY, open. All went well, but I was subject to marginal ulcer. HOWEVER, I was subject to regular ulcers pre-op. Easily controlled by meds post-op. Because I had an early surgery, I had staple line disruption at 5 yrs and was revised shortly thereafter. No ulcers (of any kind) since the revision. I lost 150#, and still maintain a wt of 110-115 at 5'1". I also lost sevre sleep apnea, asthma, high BP, high cholesterol, the potential for diabetes (2 parents), the inability to walk across my own kitchen without having to rest and a host of other minor co-morbs. Would I do it again? I DID do it again!
   — vitalady

October 8, 2002
YES! I am only two months post-op and have lost 45 pounds. Even when I'm bent over the kitchen sink vomiting my guts out, I would still say YES I'm glad I had the surgery and I would do it again in a heartbeat! I've been completely complication free. I have felt GREAT!! I am 26 and had the surgery mainly due to infertility. I had PCOS pre-op and hadn't had a "regular" period (one not induced simply by gravity) in about 5 years. I ovulated the first month after surgery and got my period after only 30 days. I thought it would take longer for this hormonal imbalance to improve, but I can tell that the weightloss is already having a major impact. Now all I have to do is wait until my surgeon gives me clearance to get pregnant - probably a year or so. Good luck with your paper!
   — mandajuice

October 8, 2002
I am 37 years old and am 5 months post-op, down 90 pounds. I am 57 pounds away from my initial weight goal. I had a complication during surgery - major scar adhesions from a cesarean section surgery 10 years ago. My surgeon said it was like someone had poured glue down my intestines. This made my surgery go from lap to open. While recuperating in the hospital, my left lung partially collapsed and I was put on iv antibiotics for 3 days to make sure I would not get the pneumonia. So I went from a 3 day hospital stay to 7 days. Emotionally, I was devastated when I woke up with a scar down my belly. If I had wanted a big scar, I would have had this surgery a couple/few years ago. Pre-surgery I was borderline diabetic. As of my last blood test, I have no blood sugar problems. My arthritis has worsened in my knees since I am walking every day. I'm hoping this will get better when I get to my goal. My personality has changed a bit. I tend to be grumpier than usual and I get angry easily. Would I do the surgery again? Yes. Even with my complications and all of the adjusting I've had to do with nausea, throwing up (earlier post-op), and re-learning how to eat, I would do it again. I feel better than I have in years and I move around much better (and faster).
   — Jennifer A.

October 8, 2002
I'm a 58 y o f, date of surgery 9/21/01, loss to date 107 lbs. Would I do it again? YOU BETCHA! IN A NY SECOND, let alone minute. Why? I feel better. I look better. I have either eliminated or decreased medications for blood pressure, high cholesterol, GERD, hormones, depression, aches and pains. I can touch my toes. I can cross my legs at the knee. I can tie my shoes without having to haul the foot up to the opposite knee so I could reach. I can shop for clothes in regular stores. People look at me when they talk to me - I am no longer that "invisible" fat person. I can eat small meals and feel perfectly satisfied leaving half a portion on the plate. I no longer have to finish the box (it doesn't matter what was in the box, I don't have to eat it). Anything else?
   — Marjorie B.

October 9, 2002
Forgot to mention in my previous post that I had one stricture that had to be dilated via endoscopy. I do experience (still) "dumping" syndrome, and I still vomit if I don't chew thoroughly or if I eat too much - but I do not count these as drawbacks. They help keep me on track!
   — Marjorie B.

October 9, 2002
Hi: The honest answer to your question is I don't know. I am 7 weeks post lap rny with no complications. Although I feel extremely guilty when I hear about those with horrible complications who would do it again, I am not sure. At this point, I only wish I would have REALLY known about the terrible pain and depression postop. You can do all of the reading and research in the world, but it does not even come close to the real deal. Maybe if my weight loss had been spectacular, I would also feel different. But I am still struggling for every pound, even though I am doing everything right. I am hoping that as time passes and weight loss is better and some comorbidities are gone, I will feel differently. For me, it is still too soon to tell. Hope this helps you.
   — Grace H.

October 9, 2002
Hi, Yes I would do it all over again. I am a 29 y.o old female, and at 14 and half months out I have lost over 175 lbs and am almost at goal! Only complications I can say that I have had was some food issues, and a kidney stone. Other than that I couldn't be happier!!
   — Carey N.

October 10, 2002
I am 38 yr old man. Had sugery on 3/4/02 starting out at 432 lbs. Have now lost 124 lbs in about 7 months and YES, I would do it again. It is amazing how much better I feel, Am off BP meds, more mobile Only complication was extremely low oxygen levels on 3rd day post-op due to severe sleep apnea problems. I think I may be getting a hernia in my belly button, but it doesn't really bother me. And YES I would recommend RNY to anyone to is considering it. It will dramitacally change your life for the better.
   — Dell H.

October 15, 2002
I am a 31 yo, white female. I am so unsure of if I would do this surgery again or not. I had my surgery on Sept 11, 2001. I had Lap RNY. It went very smoothly, and I left the hospital in 2 days.. Felt great, and did more then I should have. I picked up the baby too soon, and that caused a hernia.. But before I even found out about that.. I had the opening close up on me, had to go in exactly 1 yr ago today, and have it scoped and dialated.. It helped, but I was still very nauseated.. Then in Nov. I had SEVERE pain, and threw up all night long.. My hubby worked nightshift, and I didn't have any way of getting a hold of him.. Anyways in the morning it was so bad, I called my inlaws to come stay with my 3 children. When he got home I made him take me to ER. There they were dumbfounded, and sent me to the regular hospital.. I spent the next 2 days in and out of conscienceness, and in severe pain.. So bad I thought I was going to die.. They finally figured out the problems and called the surgeon out of surgery with someone else, to take me back, he said I was close to dying.. I had the scar tissue wrapped around my intestines, and had a hernia, and had critically low potassium levels. I was in the hospital for a week, all that time my mother in law stayed with our kids. Even after I got home my mother in law stayed because I was on pain pills, and very weak. Exactly a week after I got home from the hospital my mother in law let my kids out to play (something I had told her to not do, unless she was with them) Well, my little girl ended up drowning in a neighbors pool. So for me, I feel so responsible, like if I had just not had surgery, I would not have had complications, and my precious child might still be here. She loved me the way I was.. she once told me, she wanted to grow up and be a "circle" like me.. I miss her so so very much, and although I have now lost over 150 pds, it feels like I did it all in vain. I was at 327 when I had the surgery, and had back, knee, hip, all over pain.. Now my body doesn't have the joint pain, it is a different pain, much worse.. the physical ache from wanting to hold my child again.. and the pain in my heart that feels like it will never heal.. you can see my angel at Although people may be so wrapped up in getting this surgery, they need to know to make their time at home with their families special.. I feel I wasted a lot of my last few months with Sarah, worrying about the surgery, and consumed with getting thin.. Oh what I wouldn't give to go back in time.. and change everything.. Good luck on your paper, Chandra
   — Chandra M.

October 15, 2002
34, Female, LAP RNY 7/2000. Yes, I would do it again- or as someone else posted, yearly as nescessary. I suffer with PCOS; and while WLS will never cure the incureable, my symptoms have been grealty helped by this sugery. As was my infertility. I started at 277, got down to 187- never reached goal of 150, inched back to 190-195 and I have maintained that weight for close to 1.5 years. I shall try again to reach "the goal" after the baby comes. I lost a gallbladder, but gained a smile (oh, and a chin!) and a life. I did not have any complications, other than the GB (2001) and Thrush (right out of the hospital).
   — Karen R.

October 15, 2002
39 year old Female - Surgery 05/13/02 Started at 310 and in 5 months down 87 pounds. I feel better than I have in 20 years. Blood Sugar - Normal Blood Pressure - Normal Pain in hips, knees and feet - GONE. Energy increased by 250% Exercing and LOVING LIFE. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
   — Sharon H.

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