Franklin Square Hospital in Baltimore

Does anyone know if this hospital will allow my fiance to stay with me?    — Brandi L. (posted on October 21, 2002)

October 21, 2002
The way it was explained to me is, if you have a private room he will be able to stay around the clock. I went to Good Sam and my husband stayed beside me the entire Hosp stay. Its great to have someone there because the staff gets pretty busy. Call the hosp and ask, but I was told as long as your in a private room its ok. Good luck
   — Schatzie1

October 22, 2002
Brandi, I was in Frank Sq. in May. I was not in a private room, and I wanted my husband to go home. The cafeteria has limited hours and the food is lousy, in his opinion. The posted visiting hours are ignored. When he was in the same hosp. last Dec., I came and went whenever I wanted. If you can get a private room, no one would probably hassle him. I didn't have a problem with getting my meds on time, my "food", or help going to the bathroom. There's a white board in each room on which the names of your nurse and aide are written so you always know who is there to help. Good luck with your surgery; Dr. V is great. RNY 5/24 minus 61#.
   — Janis D.

October 22, 2002
Hi, I stayed at FSH hospital in June and my stay was LOUSY. Dr V was great! But the staff is extremely short staffed and I believe they blame it on the nurse shortage. My personal opinion, they need to get people there just to bring you something or get you out of bed! Basically, they let your loved ones take care of you, so it is a good idea to have your hubby close by BUT it really isn't fair to your roomate as I had a roomate who's (grown) daughter insisted she stay with her mom and she sat in a chair ALL night with a book and read. It wasn't fair to me, I don't like to sleep and have people listening to all the noises I make. It made me self concious. IF you can go to another hospital, I would advise it. I found out later that Dr V does have priveleges at another hospital. (not sure where) SO I wish I had asked. Oh yeah, I ran into an old friend who is a nurse on that floor and they only have ONE private room in that unit, so you can basically not count on getting it. Good luck Stacy Brooks, Baltimore - Distal RNY June 11 down 81 pounds!
   — Stacy B.

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