Will starting anti-depressents slow weight loss?

I was on Celexa for about 6 months pre-op but never started them back after surgery on 9/12/02. I have not felt I needed them, but in the last week my divorce has started to turn ugly and my father is in ICU on a ventilator and the prognosis is not very good. I know an anti-depressant would help me know but being less then 3 months post-op if the weight loss slowed allot or stopped I think I would feel worse. The 70 pounds gone are about the only good thing to happen to me recently. Thank You    — Jeff B. (posted on November 23, 2002)

November 23, 2002
There are so many major losers here who are on antidepressants. There are a few drugs that cause weight gain, but I believe Celexa is okay. But of course we are all different
   — faybay

November 23, 2002

   — Carrie R.

November 23, 2002
Hi Jeff - I am about 9 weeks post op and I take Zoloft. I was on Celexa for about 2 yrs and it stopped working for me. If you feel you need an anti-depressant you should take it even if it does slow the weight loss. But I dont think mine has effect me. Good luck!
   — Debbie W.

November 23, 2002
I'm on amitryptilene (generic for Elavil) and have no trouble.
   — Karla K.

November 23, 2002
i currently use zoloft. pre op i was on 100mg daily. post op a couple of months & i felt like i was sliding backwards. after talking it out with my phsychiatrist we realized i was no longer getting the full dose so he doubled me to 200mg daily. i went back to feeling good again. by the way...u might want to avoid paxil at all costs. 3 years pre-op i was on it & it caused me to gain 35 lbs in 9 mos. my dr weaned me off it & i lost the 35 lbs in a matter of 6-8 weeks.
   — sheryl titone

November 23, 2002
Hi Jeff - I've been on Celexa for 3 1/2 years and have continued taking it post op. Haven't noticed any difference as far as it affecting my weight loss. I don't think this medication causes weight gain - in fact, I think it's one of the ones that has the opposite effect. Take it, you need it. Right now your mental state is more important than anything.
   — Arlene S.

November 25, 2002
I was put on Celexa when I was 3 weeks out and I haven't had any problems with slow weight loss yet. I've lost 150 pounds in 3 months. That might also be because I haven't been taking it very long but my mental state is more important than my weight. Once you level out and start thinking clearly again then you can consider getting off of them if your doc thinks it's ok. Then go back to working on your weight. Good luck in whatever you decide to do. I hope things start looking up for you. God Bless :)
   — Diana L.

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