Guessing I am going to have trouble getting medical necessity letter from PCP

I visited my PCP today, armed with letter in hand asking for assitance/support in obtaining WLS. Well, turns out he offers weight management programs. One with pills and one with dietary supplements. I stressed that I felt WLS was the best option for me and that I was not making a hasty decision. I have to go back in two weeks for follow up and he indicated he would speak with me then about the surgery. Any thoughts/ideas etc. about how I can further state my case. What happens if I can't get my PCP to provide me with a letter of medical necessity because he'd rather I do his weight management program?    — tipper77 (posted on November 26, 2002)

November 26, 2002
Kat , If your PCP isnt sensitive to your needs ...find another DR who is . Arm yourself with all the facts on WLS before you return to his office ..and let him know how long you have tried diets and other means to lose weight . Good luck and dont get discouraged ..there are plenty of Drs out there who understand and if this Dr is not the one .. rest assured WILL find one .. Ruthie
   — ruthie

November 26, 2002
Here is a great opportunity to EDUCATE a PCP and turn him around regarding WLS. Find and print information supporting WLS in terms of improving the health of the morbidly obese. Find statistics on obesity. Find info on comordities of obesity. Print this info and send it to the PCP before your next visit so that he will have a chance to read it and to see that you have indeed done your research. Then, when you visit, make it easy on the doc by having a referral letter already written. Something to the effect of... I have been ____'s PCP for ___years. She is morbidly obese and exhibits the following comorbities of obesity:___,___,___. I feel that the immediate, massive, permanent weight loss offered by WLS is medically necessary... Good luck!!
   — Rebecca T.

November 27, 2002
My pcp also heads up the weight management program at her hospital. I expected to run into exactly what you are but I didn't. As a last resort I was prepared to say, "I need this surgery. I've done everything.' My goal is to get healthy. And if you are going to stand in my way and risk my health so you can increase your practice then I will change PCP's and complain very loudly to anyone who will listen (insurance company grievance program, licensing board, hospital president etc.) Be firm! The NIH findings support that WLS is the tool that will work most effectively on you! Hopefully, you will be pleasantly surprised as I was and your PCP will OK it. Good Luck!
   — LisaTaz

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