Has anyone had the weight loss surgery after age 55? How did you do?

   — Diana B. (posted on December 2, 2002)

December 1, 2002
I am 60 and my husband is 61, absolutely no problems. We have an oldies board on yahoo. If you want to check us out, e-mail [email protected] and she will send you and anyone else interested, an invitation.
   — faybay

December 1, 2002
I had my surgery at age 62 and did great! I had a BMI of 50. I needed no help from the nurses on turning, getting out of bed, just needed to help me dry my legs after my shower. Let me tell you I was determined to do better than the younger ones and also I was highly motivated to avoid any complications since my former brother-in-law, my age died 5 days after this surgery from a massive pulmonary embolus. You must fight against being waited on. You must be gutsy. Good luck!
   — Joan B.

December 5, 2002
Hi Diana, I was 57 when I had my open DS last Dec. 17. My starting weight was 360lbs. and my BMI was 56.4. I, also, did not need help getting in or out of bed in the hospital and was determined to do everything by myself. My recovery was uneventful and quick and I have had no problems. I have lost 158 lbs. and gone from a size 32 pants and 3x/4x tops to size 16 pants and 14 tops. I have never hit a plateau and all my bloodwork is perfect. (It's done every three months the first year). I'd be content to stay right where I am in size but those next 3 lbs. to take me below 200, will be so exciting.
   — grammie5

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