how dangerous is the Panni?

My wife had surgery on 5-8 with moderate complications, she has lost 140 lbs with 40 more to go to reach her goal, in the months leading up to here surgery i was worried that she would have major complications, etc. Now she is beginning to plan for MAJOR skin removal surgery and the fear is starting to set in again about complications, so after my loooong story, heres my question, i know all surgerys come with some complicationd, but is the plastic surgery (tummy tuck, skin removal in arms & legs), as dangerous as the RNY or am i needlessly gaeeting concerned, is the morality rate the same 1 in 200 as quoted everwhere for rny?    — Rich C. (posted on December 4, 2002)

December 4, 2002
I don't know about the mortality rate, but I'm sure it's not as dangerous as WLS. Other than the obvious, such as no handling of the internal organs, as patients, we weigh considerably less and are much healthier going under anesthesia. I would suggest you join this Yahoo list devoted to WLS patients who are having plastic surgery: [email protected] Lots of great people with great info. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

December 4, 2002
My doctor explained to my DH that this surgery is NOT as serious as the RNY because your not messing with organs just skin mainly. BUT! ALL surgery, even the minor of surgeries comes with risks. I had major complications from my T.T, almost died,I had a bleeder nobody was aware of. but would do it al again in a second for the results. My DH didn't want me to have the T.T. either, but he didn't have to live in my body. I'm now scheduled for a breast lift and he's not too happy about that either, but I'm still having it. The details are in my profile.
   — ZZ S.

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