Can I stay longer?

I am having surgery Monday afternoon. The doctor said I will probably go home Thursday night. As of now I don't want to come home until Friday. I live 2 hours from the hospital and Thursday will be my first day on pureed food...won't they want to make sure I can tolerate it before I go home. My mom is a nurse and will be with me afterwards but I still don't want to rush home then end up having to drive back if there are problems.    — Sarahlicious (posted on February 7, 2003)

February 7, 2003
Hi, I am a nurse too and as long as you have some good insuraunce and your doc writes an order, you can stay. Just ask your doc. I hope all goes well with you and God Bless!!!
   — Gina D.

February 7, 2003
It depends on the number of days in the hospital approved for you; insurance is usually pretty strict about this. Ask your surgeon. I felt the same way, and my surgeon told me that I wouldn't be able to get more than the 3 days for which I was approved unless there was a health complication. (I suffered a low grade fever on the third day, and came close to getting my extra day, but no dice!)
   — Beth S.

February 7, 2003
Hi Sara: I am 17 mos post op and my dr came in and asked me how I felt about going home. I had a major complication right after surgery with nausea, he kept me a total of 7 days and I never heard 1 word from my insurance co. If you dont feel comfortable going home, tell your dr. That's quite a distance to drive back if you all of a sudden get bad....Good luck on Monday.....It is a decision that I have never regretted. Down #144....from a size 26 to a size 3/5 Here's to quick healing and no complications!!!!!
   — Joi G.

February 7, 2003
Hi...You may find that you're feeling excellent after the surgery and WANT to go home (I left 36 hrs after surgery...) Dont get ahead of yourself :)
   — Debby M.

February 7, 2003
I had surgery on wednesday and came home on Sunday...No complications from surgery and no questions asked by the insurance company. Go with how you feel and what your doctor says. Good Luck! 8 weeks postop -41 lbs.
   — donna C.

February 7, 2003
This reminds me of a joke (to lift your spirits at least). A doctor and an HMO manager died and went to heaven. When they arrived at the pearly gates, St. Peter turned to the doctor and asks him why he deserves to enter. The doctor replied, "I'm a doctor and saved many peoples lives." St. Peter told him he could enter. He then turned to the HMO manager asks him why he deserved to enter. The HMO manager replies,"I manage health care and in saving costs I allow more people to see the doctor." St. Peter tells him he may enter. After the HMO manager crosses the Pearly Gates, St. Peter taps him on the shoulder and says, "you can only stay 2 days." <p> Take CAre, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

February 8, 2003
The idea is to get you out of the hospital when you are stable. You will not be able to stay in the hospital because you want to - only if there is a medical reason you need to stay. it does not matter if you doctor writes an order for you to stay - the day must be justified. There are nurses who work in the hospitals, usually called utilization review nurses, whose job is to review the stay for appropriateness and report the reason for staying longer than approved. If the day is not approved, likely the hospital won't get paid, but it is doubtful that you would have to pay. I have seen cases where the person has had to pay if they want to stay and the doctor doesn't think it is necessary. Three days is the average time allowed for RNY. I do medical management, which means I am the nurse that the UR nurses send the info to. If I don't think a day is necessary, I have to take the case to the medical director. By the way, I see more and more patients going home after 2 days than I used to - I was one of them and I am 47 years old! (We have 6 major regional hospitals in our system, 3 do lap and open RNY.) I am the ' evil insurance company" just doing my job!
   — koogy

February 8, 2003
WHY STAY!!!!!!!! After my c-section I was ready to go home in 2 days! The hosptial is SOOOOO boring...and you've got people coming in bugging you, looking at you, poking you, taking blood, measuring how much you pee..."Gee, have you had a BM yet?" must have been asked about 1 time a hour for 6 days! I hated it. Believe me, you're going to be ready to walk out that door come CAN stay against medical advice...but you've got to foot the bill...which could be anywhere from 300 (without nursing staff services or food services) or more...
   — Renee B.

February 8, 2003
When my daughter had her surgery the nurse and doctor told her she could leave when she felt ready. My husband and I asked everyday when can we leave. Of course my daughter was right. She did know when she was ready and you will also, so don't worry.
   — faybay

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