
I'm almost 3 weeks out and I want to start taking iron but I'm confused, one person says take this and one person says don't take that. I want to get it in a liquid form because I don't want to take any pills yet. THANKS.    — Kelly* P. (posted on February 8, 2003)

February 8, 2003
Has you Doc told you to start taking iron yet?..I'm almost 4 months post op and he hasnt started me on iron. You need to let your doc tell you when and what kind to take. Or at least that is what i would do. Sorry don't mean to sound bossy.
   — LuLu C.

February 8, 2003
Ferrous SULFATE is the bad one. Can hurt your pouch & um, the other end, coming out. Carbonyl iron is very gentle on both ends, if you catch my drift. It's very well absorbed, and pill is tiny.
   — vitalady

February 10, 2003
Sundown Brand sold at Wal-Mart, it the Carbonyl "Perfect" Iron that Michelle refers to. I've been taking it since about 6 weeks post-op and am happy with it, levels are good. I buy all my vitamins at Wal-Mart since I'm on a very tight budget. Congrats on being 3 weeks post-op! :) - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -110lbs.
   — Anna L.

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