
Hi, I'm 7 weeks out and this week has been very tough. I'm do for my period and all I want to do is eat. Now I have been picking more than usual and I feel quilty. I had a little piece of my sons soft pretzel the other day and lastnight I ate 3 frech fries with my 1/3 slice of pizza without the crust and then I tried a huge handful of popcorn. And I usually only can eat 2oz. at a time. Does anyone else experience PMS hunger?    — Kelly* P. (posted on March 9, 2003)

March 8, 2003
I TOTALLY DO!!!!! The first time it happened was 3-4 weeks ago and I was only 4 weeks postop and it scared the crap out of me. I was ravenously hungry and could barely get full. It was horrible. It only was bad for one day and part of the next. I think it is starting again now and this month I have a plan. I got a couple of Detour bars, that taste like a snickers to me, so if I feel a need to "binge" they are very filling just for half of one and they have 32 grams of protein. So this might not be my best food choice normally but at least I don't have to beat myself up over it! Last month there was pizza in the house here too! I think that if you have the urge for it and must have it then cut a piece and sit down and count it as your meal, don't feel bad about it, enjoy it and move on. I found it really did last a short time and it was the only time post-op that it has happened. For shame, I thought I was the only one! Thanks so much for posting!
   — Carol S.

March 8, 2003
You are not alone. I am 17 months out and the same thing happens to me. It is even weird in the fact that I can fit more food in at that time of the month! It is as if I am ravenous. You just need to plan for it. One of the things I do is to sip hot tea and sugar free hot chocolate (to satisfy that chocolate craving) all day long. I also make sure I eat a salad with all of my meals to fill me up. The good part is that I have found that these couple of days per month have not hindered my loss. I am down to 144 pounds from a surgery weight of 287 and an alltime high of 340. Don't beat yourself up!
   — Julie S.

March 8, 2003
Its the worst! My plan for that week of pms eating/cravings is to take my 3 meals and spread them out all day. Like 1 item, an egg at 8am, fruit at 9am, etc.. It takes planning so you are eating your "good" foods. This way I have something to look foward to but its still part of the meal. I don't consider this grazing as it isn't junk, but the stuff I eat anyway and I only do it for that horrible pms week.
   — ZZ S.

March 9, 2003
Hi! Hugs! I am still preop, but since trying to examine my eating more I've realize that I am totally ravenous when PMSing. Being aware of it helps, and helps me make better decisions, but it is so hard. I see some post ops gave you some good advice, but I just wanted to pass along somg HUGS too!
   — w8free

March 10, 2003
I am 4 months post-op and every month at PMS time I get cravings too. I agree with the previous poster....I try to plan my meals and have plenty of "good foods" around to eat. One thing I find good to help me get through the cravings are sugar-free Popcicles or Fudgecicles. Good luck.
   — Nan G.

March 10, 2003
Kelly, I know just what you're talking about! I went from having a period once very 6 months to one every 28 days like clockwork...and I get the PMS chowing frenzy that goes with it! Definitely keep the healthy snacks around...fresh apples, pears, popcorn. I also LOVE Quaker Quakes mini rice cakes in Caramel Corn! YUMMY! I will not admit to anything too wild, but I've been known to polish off a small bag in 3 or 4 days PMS. For the chocolate aspect of it I like Balance Gold bars in Triple Chocolate Chaos (a bit more sugar than some can handle but not bad). You have to have treats once in awhile just don't survive on them or turn into a grazer! Another good thing for that PMS fix is a big mug of no sugar added hot cocoa (Swiss Miss is good, with Splenda). Good luck to you! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -117lbs.
   — Anna L.

March 10, 2003
P.S. Do check with your doc on some things, especially fresh fruits. You may be a bit early for that. And no matter who munch on -- CHEW, CHEW, CHEW. :)
   — Anna L.

March 10, 2003
LOL -- OOPS! I meant to say no matter WHAT you munch who you munch on! :o
   — Anna L.

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