Where can my cousin go to get this surgery?

My cousin lives in the Ft. Worth, TX area. She is a prime candidate for this surgery. She has two beautiful daughters that she needs to be around for, as she is a single mother. She is umemployeed and because of her co-morbities, it is hard for her to work. My question is for anyone who lives in or near Ft. Worth, what can she do or where can she go to get help with financing this surgery since she does not have insurance and any support groups, doctors etc? She has got to find a way to have this surgery done. Borrowing the money and self pay are not an option. Thanks so much for any information you can give me. We are desperate to get this rolling. God bless!    — dixieb (posted on March 20, 2003)

March 19, 2003
Hi, I don't know about TX area. I like your cousin had to stop work because of my many health problems due to my weight. I applied for SSI(social socurity income) and was accepted. with this SSI came my insurance. This also covered my 4 kids. they had insurance also. I live in New Jersey. Hope this helps
   — Naes Wls J.

March 20, 2003
Hi Delores. I was in a similar situation a few years ago. I am a single mother of two teenagers and because of health problems due to my obesity, I could not work. First, I applied for Social Security Disability. This takes quite awhile to go through, but if she is approved, she would get a good sized monthly check plus Medicare 2 years after she's approved. She can even apply for Disability by phone. All she has to do is call her local Social Security office and set up a phone interview, then they would send her all the papers from that interview for her to sign and return. She would most likely have to see several of their doctors and get their opinions of your condition, and if she's like me, I even had to go to a court hearing and speak before a judge (in my wheelchair) to prove I was disabled. I was approved (by that judge) and have been on disability for 2 years now. YAY!! <p> If your cousin is a single custodial parent with very little or no income, she should qualify for state Medicaid pending her Disability decision. I don't know if Texas Medicaid pays for WLS, but my Florida Medicaid paid for mine 100% in January!! If for some reason this is not an option or if Texas medicaid doesn't pay for WLS, have her try Vocational Rehab. I've read where many people have gotten their WLS paid for through Vocational Rehab. Good luck, it is a long road, but well worth it!<br>Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -83lbs & Counting!!
   — thumpiez

March 20, 2003
OOPS!! I saw your name "Dottie" and was just thinking of my Aunt Delores and wrote "Delores".. So sorry!! (Blonde moment!)
   — thumpiez

March 20, 2003
I remember reading somewhere on this site that Texas Rehabilitation Commission will help pay for this surgery. If your cousing can not work because of her obesity then she seems like the perfect candidate. I checked the "insurers" page and there are many listings under the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. Fortunately for your cousing, she lives in a state that seems to have an excellent track record with this. Most states do not. Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

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