
I'm Totally confused on what to eat, HELP! They say protein, protein, protein. I eat all protein, drink water, do treadmill and I'm losing very slow, only 29 pounds in 9 weeks. Then I eat Chinese broccoli and shrimp and I gain 2 pounds which still hasn't come off in 5 days. I know it's probably the sodium but I wonder if it's the carbs in the broccoli? I started eating 1 or 2 salads a day is this to much. Can I eat some fruit? I usually eat 2 ounces of protein 3 times a day and a 1 ounce snack of protein 3 times a day, is this enough food or should I eat more? I want to eat fruit but I'm afraid of the carbs, i don't know if I should keep eating salads and when I do I can eat a pretty nice sized salad which also scares me. HELP!    — Kelly* P. (posted on March 25, 2003)

March 24, 2003
Kelly, I am no expert so read other's responses too, but Ithink you may not be eating enough and may be in starvation mode. I have always lost well, no exercise and 1300-1400 calories a day. I know metabolisms differ, but I eat 6 small meals a day which I believe boost my metabolism and keep my body burning instead of holding on to things. Here is a sample day: Real meals shake with maybe some yogurt or fruit or both, mid morning snack of caashews or pork rinds, lunch a lean cuisine - leave most of the carbs, mid afternoon snack, nuts or popcorn, dinner, meat (more than 2 ounces)that I am serving for supper and a little carbs (rice and veggie). I may have a sweet snack for dessert, I don't deprive myself. If you tell me your height and goal weight, I could probably find out how much protein and carbs you need. (I also need to know your exercise schedule)
   — Kristy J.

March 24, 2003
Please buy the Atkin's book and read it cover to cover. I suspect you are "insulin resisitant" as he likes to call it, very much like me. I can eat very little carbs everyday or I end up on a plateau or not losing (sometimes gaining!) I got his book a few months ago when my weight loss slowed alot and now I am on a much more steady weight loss, not to mention I feel fantastick! Stay away from refined sugars and flours like the plagues and eat plenty of leafy green veggies (including broccoli!) but stay away from starchy things like corn, rice, potatoes, etc...Everyone gets plateaus at differnt times...29 pounds is nothing to shake a stick at, that's over 3 pounds a week! Atkins also has a web site that is free..check it out.
   — missmollyk

March 24, 2003
Step back and think. When have salads gotten a bad rap for causing weight gain? Or broccoli for that matter? I am almost 2 1/2 years post op and have never worried about what I eat. I do eat protein, but otherwise if I want it, I eat it. I would step off of the scale for a while. There are going to be daily fluctuations that you can't possibly KNOW what caused them. I would weigh maybe once a week or every two weeks, then you will see a trend. Still, those are never exact weights. But seeing a trend will help. I have never labeled foods "good" or "bad". This mentality is what led me to being MO in the first place. Fruits and vegetables are good for you. The carbs in these are natural and fine to eat. Don't focus so much on your food, I know this sounds hard, but it is truly liberating. Allow yourself to eat normally. You will be a lot less stressed and happier! Shelley
   — Shelley.

March 25, 2003
Kelly, a Calorie is a Calorie is a Calorie...the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water one degree really doesn't matter where it comes from when it comes to your food. A protein Calorie is the same as a carb Calorie. Of course, the difference you must take into account is what exactly you are using these Calories for. Protein is a terrific source of Calories, amino acids and certain other compounds. But you can eat fruits and veggies without jeapordizing your weight loss...fruits and vegetables are natually quite low in Calories, so you can eat a bit more of, say, a salad (15 Calories/cup) than of chicken (70 Calories/2.5 oz). Fruits and veggies have lots of water in them too, so that's probably why you can eat more of them at a time.
   — Brittany C.

March 25, 2003
I do not agree with Brittany's comments completely. It's true, a calorie is a calorie, just like a pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh the same. However, there is a chemical factor that she is overlooking, like how your body processes foods...I am eating way more calories on Atkins plan that I was when I was just watching my foods, and I am losing a lot more weight. So research or try things and see what is right for you. Again, Atkins explains why his program works so well for most people. However, I do agree with Brittany regarding fruits and veggies...again, there are some that are more caloric or carb-packed than the research and you can experiment until you find what is right for you.
   — missmollyk

March 25, 2003
hello, this isn't an answer to your question , but i thought it might help you on the next stage of you journey.
   — franbvan

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