Are airline seats small?

We are flying to Mexico for WLS. We've never taken a flight, and have heard the seats are tiny. What airlines offers bigger seats, or do we purchase 2 seats ? Also, the rest rooms on the plane- what are they like ?Any info is greatly appreciated. Barbara Knapp    — barbara K. (posted on March 25, 2003)

March 25, 2003
airline seats are positively tiny. I have been able to sit in one, but the last time I was on a plane I had my 5 year old sitting next to me always and I took up part of her unused seat. Usually the inside arm rests will fold up which gives you a few more inches. The aisle side armrest doesn't fold up on many planes (some do). I wasn't able to put the tray down either. You can buy two seats...ask your airline their policy. I've heard that some will require you buy a second seat if you are above a certain it will be important to find out ahead of time to avoid embarassement and unanticipated expense. You can ask for a "seat belt extender". All planes carry these and you ask the attendent on the plane as you board the plane. Good luck with travel and surgery
   — Scott L.

March 25, 2003
I read your profile and I don't think you will have any problems fitting into a seat. When I flew from Mpls to Boston my weight was 270 and I'm 5'6 and it was a 'snug' fit, but I didn't need an expander or the purchase of a second seat. If you're still worried you could choose to fly at a low traffic time to increase your chances of not having someone right next to you and your traveling companion. If there are seats in the cabin that aren't filled before take-off, you can always ask your flight attendant if you can relocate to a more comfortable location. Relax and get some sun for me!
   — Rhonda J.

March 25, 2003
If possible ask for the bulkhead seats, if they are not located at a exit door, then I find these the best, no one is in front of you, so you have more room getting in and out, without bothering anyone, they also try to give handicapped people these seats. They are a tiny bit bigger, and the trays come out of the arm rest. Ask for a extender, and do not feel embarassed, my husband has had to use the extender and he is normal weight. Have a good flight, and you might ask about first class, they are more, but they are also alot bigger. Do not know your budget, but the flight home may be alot better if you can afford first class. Hope this helps. Oh yea, if you have a cain or a walker, or wheelchair, you can load the plane first, and that helps alot.
   — cindy

March 25, 2003
I am sorry, I did not finish your whole question. The restrooms are very small, if you can get the bulkhead seats, they will probley let you use the first class restroom, they are alittle bigger, but still small. Most, but not all do have the hand rails, and that helps, but you usually have to just about sit on the toliet to shut the door. Bring wet ones to wipe with, the tissue they have in the planes are so thin. The wet wipes are just a good thing to have with you. Sorry about the two postings.
   — cindy

March 25, 2003
Barbara I flewn to Mexico for surgery. The first time I weighed well over 300 lbs. My flight was only 5 hrs, or a little less down and about 4 1/2 hrs back. I used the restroom at the airport during my plane change instead of attempting an airplane potty. At that weight I couldn't use the tray table in front of me and it was a tight fit in my seat (I'm only 5'3 or so). If you're considering buying a second seat buy it for the trip home. I NEEDED the extra space badly having drains in the front & back of each hip. Luckily I had a wonderful stewardess who actually asked the person next to me to move to a different seat. On those planes (I was flying Horizon/Alaska Airlines) the front seat in the planes were actually SMALLER and the arms didn't fold up out of the way. The crew was very nice and discreet about the seat belt extenders. And the other poster is right. Check to see if you can get flights that aren't full. Its much nicer to have nobody next to you, even if you are normal weight. If I read your profile right you're 170 or less now so should have NO problems flying. By the way, what are you having done in Mexico and who is your doc? (just curious)
   — Shelly S.

March 25, 2003
I think it is Southwest airlines that created the big ta doo last year when they decided to enforce people buying two seats if they don't fit in one. However, they have an interesting policy. If when you fly the plane is not full, in other words they could not have sold your 2nd seat anyway, they will give you the money back for the 2nd seat. So you only end up paying for 2 seats if indeed they could have sold it. Personally I think this is a very reasonable program. No other airline that I am aware of offers this program. I don't know if they fly into Mexico but they might. <p>I looked at your profile and it says you already had surgery so I assume you are questioning for someone else. I am faced with the same dilema right now for a trip my mom and I are taking the summer. I have already had surgery but started at 421 the day of surgery. We are going on vacation the end of June and it's a 4-1/2 hr flight from Chicago to Seattle. I know I will be significantly smaller by then but I'm trying to decide if it will be enough to be even remotely comfortable for that length of time. My mom ins't tiny either and will fit okay in her seat but fill it up. If the flight's not full, no big deal, but if it is, it could be a big deal. I personally do not think that someone sitting next to me should have me lapping over onto them because of my size. They have the right to have their seat space to themselves, even if it is because the darn things are so small. They didn't build the planes and pick the seat sizes so why should they suffer. At best, at 5 months, I might reach 300 lbs and that might be pushing it. I have been down to 240 before and I know at 260 I fit very very comfortably in an airplane seat with some room to spare - I'm 5'9 and spread out fairly evenly. However, another 40-60 lbs is hard to guess, plus it's a long flight. I will probably but the 2nd seat and after the trip of the flights were not full I will write the company and ask to be reimbursed based on the fact that they could not have sold the seat anyway. I may not get it back but it does not hurt to ask. It is a reasonable request if the plane is not full. <p>Midwest express is the one airline that has 1st class seats for all their seats, which I fit in tightly in the hips, but other than that okay even at 400+ lbs. However, the trays that come out of the arm don't work too well when you have a belly in the way. When we flew back from Vegas this fall we got seats over the wing and it was great. Tons of leg room and I had the seat against the outside of the plane and it didn't have the arm on that side so I had extra room. However, I know that ME does not fly to Mexico. Just keep shopping the airlines for cheap fares and buy a 2nd seat, in my opinion. By shopping we got non-stop round-trip Chicago to Seattle for $176.50 in high cruise season, all taxes included. And the best part is it doesn't go out of O'Hare but Midway, which will be so much better. Good luck with the surgery! Chris
   — zoedogcbr

March 25, 2003
Hon, everything is so small on the plane. Ask when your checking in (get there early/first) for a bulk head seat closest to the bathroom. Tell them your post surgery, they will try to accomadate you. When entering the plane, ask the F/A for a seatbelt extender. This way you don't have to ask if front of tons of people while seated. Get a pillow and blanket right away so your comfortable. Try to go to the bathroom prior to leaving to possible not have to use the tiny bathrooms. Take your pain pills right before you enter the plane. Best of Luck!
   — ZZ S.

March 26, 2003
You already had surgery awhile ago and from your profile you seem to be a normal size. No worries mate! You'll fit just fine.
   — Kris T.

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