Almost 1 Year Out- extreme anxiety, depression, stress

Open RNY performed 4/1/02. Laid off work August 02. No longer have medical benefits and have not even seen my doctor for my first visit after surgery. My weight loss to date (281-172) Already prescribed xanax and prozac for many years and before surgery was experiencing some harmone issues due to menopause. Stress factor of being without a job and no medical insurance has caused the anxiety, stress and depression factors to excalate. Unable to eat the amount of meals necessary to sustain weight loss, very nervous stomach and even experiening mild cramping in the pelvic area during monthly cycle. Have been very light headed at times to the point where I have even passed out briefly. Just a few days ago perhaps over exsertion due to strenuous exercise may have contributed to a serious black out. Have increased water and protein intake, exercise regularly however the anxiety and stress factors are serious enough to where I felt a need to contact a hospital therapist. Crying spells occur frequently to the point that I had to seek immediate treatment at which time was prescribed Paxil. Paxil causes me to sweat profusely HELP! Where do I go or what can be done? Is this a normal reaction....My weight seems to be stuck/plateau however my exercise regimen is a must to decrease the hurts from anxiety and stress.    — Carol N. (posted on March 31, 2003)

March 30, 2003
Have you tried contacting any state agency for therapy. Most communities have a sliding scale payment based on income. Also Paxil can cause weight gain. I work for a psychiatrist and this is one of the side affects. You may be holding because of the paxil. Just my thoughts.
   — Jeana S.

March 31, 2003
Hi, I was on Paxil for about a year 3 years ago...and I remember the first 2 weeks were kinda strange getting used to the drug. Then, it worked great for about 6 mos..and then I began having rollercoaster mood swings again. My PCP switched me over to Serzone which I took for another 6 mos...and then slowly stopped taking anything. I had to start taking something for my nerves and to get control of myself. At the time, my ex-husband had left me for another woman with a 1 year old baby and no job. I did bounce back but it took a while. Currently, I am also laid off since December'02, but I am married and have my husband's insurance to fall back on. I would continue taking the Paxil for at least 2-3 weeks and see how you feel then. I remember it also caused my stomach to have a gnawing feeling at first and I had to take antacids. Paxil works on the part of the brain that controls your body temperature along with your emotions. During all of my experience, I had not had weight loss surgery though. If it has already been 2 -3 weeks of regularly taking the Paxil, I would go back to the prescribing doctor and ask for a different kind of anxiety/anti-depressant drug and switch over. Good luck with your job hunt and getting better! Nothing lasts forever and soon you will get to bounce back. Hugs! Melisa RNY 08/15/02 -84lbs
   — mbradley35

March 31, 2003
i might be accused of over-reacting, but having "a serious black out" alone is reason to go to the nearest emergency room at once. if you are getting a scrip for paxil, you are getting some kind of medical care, so ask this person to direct you to a free clinic. or got to the nearest ER; they must treat you, and will offer guidance where to go to get free or low-cost health care. what you have experiencing is not anywhere near "normal." please get help at once before you black out again and hurt yourself and/or someone else.
   — Kasey

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