
I've only thrown up, maybe 2 or 3 times and that was because I got something stuck and drank water to help things along, but I've never thrown up from being to full. If I eat to much I just feel very uncomfortable and will lay down and it usually passes within 30 minutes or so. My question is, should I force myself to throw up, so I don't keep my pouch stretched for those 30 minutes or am I doing the right thing by letting it pass? It only happens once in a while.    — Kelly* P. (posted on April 1, 2003)

March 31, 2003
I have had this happen myself - usually from waiting too long to eat, then eating to fast and too much. I would say not to make yourself throw up, and let it pass. I have only thrown up 3 times in the 5 months since my surgery, but I know I have "overeaten" more times than that. I don't think your pouch will be permanently stretched by an occasional episode of eating more than you should.
   — koogy

March 31, 2003
Kelly, I do not have a lot of experience as I am just 9 weeks post, but I do not think it is ever a good idea to force vomiting. I think it is best to let the feeling pass and try to keep the uncomfortable feeling in mind when tempted to eat more than you can tolerate easily. I find that not letting myself get too hungry, chewing until nothing is left, and eating as slowly as possible will all help me to eat within a healthy range.
   — linda S.

March 31, 2003
i'm the one everybodys gonna disagree with...if that happens to me i can't help but throw up i'd say yes stick your fingers down your throat and get rid of it. i always feel so much better afterward instantly. best wishes. kimberly open distal bypass 11/12/02 -72lbs
   — kimberly T.

March 31, 2003
Actually, I have done this too. Not often, but I have done it. I can't take feeling horrible so I got rid of whatever it was I ate. I am not going to make a habit of this but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. But just dont make it a habit yourself. Good luck to you!!
   — Des812

April 1, 2003
Just a general note, many of us who are MO have addictive personalities.. and since surgery does not touch our heads, we still have to fight the demons and other things that can drag us down. I have read many cases of folks who started out using this method just to feel better, but it ramped up into bulimia. If you choose do do it, be very careful not to let yourself get caught up in the 'convenience' of it.. now it it the time to learn when your body tells you that one more bite is not a good idea. Kudos to you for asking about it. ~Peace
   — Joscelin

April 1, 2003
I am pushing three years out and this happens to me still- MAYBE once a month. It could be that I didn't chew well enough, my choice of meat was too dry or fatty, or something expanded beyond my perceptions AFTER I ate it. In all cases, yes- I sit and analyze the situation first. Then, my body tells me if 1. I can safely sit out the discomfort (sometimes you just know if it's gonna pass or not), or 2. it is not gonna happen and I must vomit. And I do, and then I feel so much better. I am not doing it because I can, I do it because it must be done. I have NEVER given a thought to bulimia- before or after surgery as I simply enjoy food too much and dispise vomitting!
   — Karen R.

April 1, 2003
Kelli I am 2 1/2 yrs post. Once a week I do eat things that I shouldn't. If I overdo I force myself to rid myself of it. My husband says I do number three. If we go out and I eat something that don't sit well I excuse myself to the ladies room and do number three and go back and enjoy the rest of the evening
   — Shirley F.

April 1, 2003
Kelly, I agree with the person who posted about addicitive personalities. I mean, if you know it couldn't turn into something bad like bulimia, once in a while is ok, especially if something feels stuck. My advise is to try your best not to overeat- measure your food always! I know it's easier said than done, but I know for me personally I cannot and should not make myself throw up- had problems in the past. I did try once though when I felt awfully sick, an dmy old stomach was convulsing, but my new stomach didn't do anything, nothing came up. weird. But I'd suggest to try not to if you can and let it pass even though it feels horrible. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 1, 2003
I usually strive to remain neutral in my comments here on AMOS. HOWEVER, this really bothers me that so many people are actually saying it's ok to make yourself throw up. Do you know the damage you do to your esophagus? To your teeth?(the acid wears away the enamel) Not to mention the fact that we have all been given a really valuable tool, a second chance at life for many of us. Why would anyone risk that by being careless enough to continually overeat and/or frequently make themselves vomit? Why?!? Please explain this to me? I am 9 months post-op and have vomited 4 times and that was all within the first 6 months. All pretty much related to not chewing well enough. It wasn't a pleasant experience and I hope to not do it again. I don't mean to sound condescending or judgemental. But folks, please THINK about what you're saying. As for me, I did not have this surgery to become bulimic. I had it to have some chance of being normal and healthy. - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -120lbs.
   — Anna L.

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