Has anyone had an echo-stress test induced with chemical?

As a pre-op test, I needed a visit to the cardiologist, who then wanted to do an "echo-stress" test. Instead of using a treadmill, they got approval to go with a chemically induced stress situation, at which time they will do the echo test. The catch is this must be done in the hospital. So I am thinking it must be severe, for them to only do this in the hospital. First they suggested that I would need enough time on the treadmill to measure the elevated heart stress, which should be easy to do and not after too much time on the machine. But in the end, the coordinator mentioned that the treadmill might not be strong enough to test me. So because of the weight, I get to endure this chemically induced heart attack for them to measure things. Hope it finally clears to way for surgery which is scheduled for May 20th. Appreciate your comments, Lynn    — Lynn P. (posted on May 2, 2003)

May 2, 2003
I had a thallium stress test last year in April.. I didnt have it for the surgery but because I have sinus tachycardia. It wasnt that bad. The only part that bothered me is when they raced my heart up. That was kinda scary but it only lasted 20 seconds... You will do fine..
   — Catherine B

May 2, 2003
Yes I had it done that way at the Mayo Clinic..My knees made doing the treadmill impossible..It was no fun.. The worst test I think I have ever had.If she would have not made me talk to her it would not have been so bad..but the good news is it is over quick and worth it if it gets us one step closer..
   — Kathy S.

May 2, 2003
I had it done last year,and it wasn't so bad.The only thing that bothered me was when my heart started racing.Good luck!
   — Tanya H.

May 2, 2003
I have had three chemical induced treadmill tests and never felt a thing. What I really hated was after when they took xrays and I had to lay on a table with my arms above my head. My arthristis just about killed me. Don't be scared of this test.
   — Carol H.

May 2, 2003
I have had this done several times with no problems! Good Luck!
   — Linda M.

May 2, 2003
i had the nuclear stress test and due to a car accident i had a brace on my leg and could not use the treadmill, but it felt like an induced heartattack for about 30 seconds, then the worst is over. but they said they found blockage on my test so i was sent for a cardiac cathitor (sp?) now that is painful! i had it done 4/28/03 and instead of the groin they went through the wrist (again do to the leg problem) and my hand and wrist are now 2xs the size and black and blue. not fun. and all for nothing my heart is perfect not a spot of blockage. thank god but you will do fine its the not knowing that gets ya and believe me im a big chicken and im telling you the stress test is nothing. good luck and best wishes
   — Maureen A.

May 2, 2003
I had the same test pre-op for the same reasons as you. I did not like this test at all. No pain no discomfort it just made me feel yucky. It is very to explain. I guess it lasted 1-2 minutes. The cardiologist is there just in case. Do'nt worry it will be fine. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

May 3, 2003
please talk to the cardiologist about this. my step dad had this done and his heart rate jumped to 302 very fast and he had a full on heart attack right there. he ended up staying in the hospital for 2 weeks with heart damage. If i were you i would try to do the treadmill first and ask your cardiologist about all the risks of the chemical test. good luck.
   — harleigh2002

May 3, 2003
This test nearly killed me. They had to stop it. I was within seconds of having a major stroke. Read my profile for more.
   — Delores S.

May 3, 2003
Me again. Please be aware that this test is NOT the same as a cardiolyte or thalluim. It is called a dobutamine test. The cardiolyte and thalluim tests are no big thing at all. But not the same as what you are talking about. It is Dobutamine.
   — Delores S.

May 5, 2003
Well...after reading the positive notes, I felt more confident. Then there were the others. I just hung up from the doc's office, calling to check out the drug name. Of course it is "Dobutamine". So...I feel pretty strong and will go forward with a positive attitude. I certainly hope that they do not break my heart... Thanks to all for your comments and thoughts....Lynn
   — Lynn P.

May 6, 2003
The test is over and I live to tell about it...As most of you mentioned, this test is managable - we can do it. But it did cause me concern and I am most grateful that is ended positively for me. As the cardio team explained the alternative -the treadmill- I doubt that I would have been able to pass the test. The cardiologist wanted me at 85% (of rested heartrate???) which put the target at 144. It took over 3 techs to get the IV placed. This was the most pain of the test. With the Dobutamine flowing, I stalled at 140 heart rate. The doc had to see 144, so they gave me something to overcome the signals from my brain to the heart that it really should slow down. In comes the attromine. Finally I hit 144, and they were all pulling for me. They get the picture, stop all drugs, but then the attrapine allows the heart rate to hang there for a while. We all waited, the doc said things looked good to him, and the surgery is on for May 20th. I pitty the staff who will end up doing the IV. Thanks for all your encouragement and well wishes....Lynn
   — Lynn P.

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