5 days post op and I feel so, so, so lousy.

I knew I would be sick, but never imagined it would be this bad. I am so thirsty, but drinking even water makes me so sick to my stomach. I feel so bloated like the water just gets stuck. I haven't hardley touched any other clear liquids because I feel so lousy. I also get nauseated, but only have violent dry heaves. I can hear the water swashing around in my belly, but still feel so nasty and am so thirsty. Is this normal? Am I just being impatient?    — Cosmo K. (posted on June 18, 2003)

June 17, 2003
Cosmo, I was right where you were only 4 weeks ago. I'm 5 weeks post op today and I feel as if I could run a marathon. One question... are you still on your pain meds? That was the thing that made me so nauseous when I was 5 days post op. When I stopped taking it and turned to tylenol, I felt 100 better. Take it easy... within a few days you'll be feeling so much better this will be a distant memory. God bless you.
   — Happy I.

June 18, 2003
I am four weeks post op and still having these same kind of problems. My nutritionist told me to sip slowly to help with the water/fluids so I am now drinking out of one of my son's old sippy cups. Yes I feel silly but it makes me sip slower and that helps a lot. She also told me that the violent dry heaves are because you are not eating enough. I hate eating right now because it hurts so much and just makes me sick but I am finding that if I don't eat at least a couple bites of something every hour, I get the dry heaves and those hurt worse. So, basically, I have to force myself to eat. Everyone says it gets better, I only hope they are telling the truth! Good luck in your journey, you are not alone!
   — Tami H.

June 19, 2003
Oh, you are SO normal!! Don't worry!! Instead of water, drink a teaspoon of warm broth... chicken, beef, duck, whatever, just don't stick with plain water. Even broth has a bit of protien in it! :~) Plus, warm liquids work better on your tummy than cold or room temp. ones. It is soothing on your tummy. Try that. Look at my profile for a wonderfully complete diet from day one to 18 months out. I've lost 210 lbs in 18 months, Lap RNY. GOod luck and email me if you ever need help or just want to chat! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

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