Help! I'm geting tired of eating protein.

I ate all kinds of protein- now am getting tired of the same stuff day after day- in fact, I've eaten a total of 3 canteloupes in 3 days !! I feel so guilty. Not much protein in those 3 days. But oh, those melons were sooo goood ! Anyone out there sick of protein stuff ? Barbara Knapp.    — barbara K. (posted on July 6, 2003)

July 6, 2003
As the previous poster pointed out, there are so many varied different sources of protein that one should never get bored. You can have your canteloupe, but you really need to be thinking and eating protein first at every meal. As far as being sick of it, it's just a way of life for us now, so you have to get used to it...JR
   — John Rushton

July 6, 2003
some of my favorite proteins are: vanilla yogurt, frozen (not the stuff they sell that pretends to be ice cream) with chopped up pieces of cantaloupe in it; a really thick chicken stew - with carrots, celery and onions in a thick chicken soup base; Whole wheat toast with cream cheese or peanut butter; cubed chicken breast sauted in garlic and olive oil with steamed broccoli, all tossed in alfredo sauce; you just need to be creative and there are many ways to get in a bunch of protein with minimal carbs and enjoy it!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 6, 2003
I get tired of it, and in order to solve the problem, I get my daily protein from supplements, and I don't count the amount of protein get from food, because if I did try to get all my protein from food, I would be eating tuna all the time!! My suggestion: use a supplement, and worry less about trying to get it from food.
   — thekatinthehat

July 6, 2003
I agree with April, the previous poster. I try to get my protein from supplements, or at LEAST half of it. Otherwise, I'd never get in as much as I need. I don't try to make it taste good, I just mix it up with water and chug it down. Problem solved.
   — Diana L.

July 6, 2003
I get 15g of protein a day from supplements - the rest from foods. But there are such a good variety of them - nuts, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, peanut butter, meats, fish (did you know that 4 ounces of sardines have 22g of protein?). I am 19 months post-op and never have any trouble getting my protein and I eat fruit and veggies as I want.
   — Patty_Butler

July 6, 2003
There are such a wide variety of nice fruits and veggies out right now that soemtimes I feel the same way. On those days when I'd rather have just fruits and veggies, I use protein supplements or snack on beef jerky. That way I get my protein in and don't compromise my health and still have room for the fruits and veggies.
   — Cathy S.

July 7, 2003
Hi there, I am pre-op but have been working on getting in my protein just to get in the habit. I am not a fan of seafood, but my dear hubby made me fish this weekend that was delicious and not the least bit fishy! He bought some Whiting and some Pollock, lightly floured them and cooked them in a little olive oil. They were delicious! One small plank has 15 grams of protein, only 70 calories, no fat, no sugar, etc. You can buy it packaged from the meat counter or some stores sell pre-packaged fish in the frozen food section. Yummy! Also, try a scallop wrapped in a piece of light bacon - delicious and lots of protein!
   — beeda

July 7, 2003
Do you like fruit smoothies? You can add all kinds of protein to those and barely detect them. Try lowfat cottage cheese, silken tofu, or protein powder. I like strawberries and banana with a dollop of peanut butter. Just throw everything in the blender. For a potluck recently I made an Indian beverage, mango lassi, which had fresh mango, plain yogurt, milk, and a bit of sugar or substitute blended together. Yummy and refreshing and not too sweet. I *really* enjoy salads with meat, lots of interesting textures and experiment with tart dressings. Also try beans: hummous is easy to make and goes down easily, try dipping cucumber chips into it. You can also make a delicious spread with canned white beans, frozen chopped spinach, and garlic pureed together. Pull out the cookbooks or watch the Food Network for some ideas, there are lots of alternatives to chicken breasts!
   — Celia A.

July 7, 2003
I am so FREAKIN' sick of protein!! Pardon my french. And let me apologize in advance for being gross; I hate the way a my bm smells. It smells like overly seasoned meat. Ugh, I thought I was going to puck from the smell alone. I'm sorry, I'm just so sick of it I did the same thing you did. I bought every melon I could think of. Water, honey dew, cantelope. What a nice change.
   — aprilbaree

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