how do we know how much protein we need

hi i havent had surgery yet...but i was wondering how we figure out how much protein we need.I am 5'1 265 with a bmi of 50.1. my surgeon doesnt recommend protein supps much. so is there a chart that tells how much we need..or a website? any help is apprecitated thanks in advance Love...    — cinamoni (posted on July 7, 2003)

July 7, 2003
Here is the one I use:<p>Now, realize that you will probably malabsorb at least a little and that the more distal you are the more you will malabsorb. For me, the recommended daily amount of protein is 77 grams. I usually aim for 100 and make it about 75% of the time. The amount of protein you need depends on your percent body fat. That's why you have to take the measurements. Just take a deep breath and do it--even if you don't really want to know. It will be SOOOO valuable later on to know where you came from! I went from 57% body fat to 23%. Woohoo! =)
   — ctyst

July 7, 2003
My protein needs were based on my height. The nutritionist at BTC set mine at 57grams per day. I try to drink an isopure that is 50, so I don't have to worry about protein all day long. I happen to be relatively low. I know some who area as high as 94. My guess is that the doc will tell you when you are out, if not, ask.
   — Heather M.

July 7, 2003
I would go by your docs reccomendations, but you won't be absorbing as much as a normal person, and you also can only absorb 30g in on serving.
   — Saxbyd

July 7, 2003
You are exactly me. I'm 5'1", was 262. We were dvised to take 60g (just std dose), but we are more distal. Some say to take .8g per kg of body wt OR during wt loss 1.2g per kg. OR 1g per pound (262 lbs? Um, no) OR 1g per pound you WANT to weigh. Some use a height chart. Some use the "degree of proximal or distal" for a guide. Some use personal opinion. I prefer howe I feel & look on 180g a day of protein SUPPLEMENT. I rarely weigh any more, but did today and I weighed 109. Regardless, I still feel & look better on 180g or more per day.
   — vitalady

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