White blood cells,anyone understand these results?

I was wondering if anyone could help me understand my 1 year lab work. It says white blood cells are at 3.5(out of range) it isays in range is between 3.8 and 10.8. What does this mean? Is it serious? And what can I do to get them up? Also it says my Iron is supposed to be between 200-450 and it is 453. And my INR is 1.1 when its supposed to be between 2.0-3.5. Any helpful advise is grateful. I will try to contact my doctors office next week, but would like to know if any nursing type people can help me understand and if i should be worried at all. Thank You for your time. Sunny, 1yr 1month post op, -112 lbs, at 150lbs 5'9.    — Sunny4x4chick (posted on August 16, 2003)

August 16, 2003
Hello Sunny, do not worry about these results. White blood cell numbers increase usually in response to an infection of some sort, and your number is fine. Each lab has a different reference value range depending on equipment and testing, so the fact that you're under their range is not an issue. Do not get infected to try to raise this count LOL!! Your iron level is fine. And the INR (Internationla Normalized Ratio) is a measure of how fast your blood clots. The "normals" you mention are for someone who is on an anticoagulant called Coumadin or Warfarin. If you DO take coumadin, and your INR is 1.1, then that is a problem, however, a regular person's INR is normally around 1.1 so don't worry about this either. Nancy 16 mo PO/370/245/-125
   — Nancy D.

August 18, 2003
I too had low white blood cells. I even saw a specialist and had a bone marrow biopsy... everything was fine. I don't think I would worry about it. I think that way more people that have wls have low wbc,,,, just my opinion
   — Jen S.

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