Operation without Bariatric Surgery?

Different situation. Do NOT want the Bariatric Surgery, but have maintained a steady weight of 230 for years now only fluxuating a lb. or so either direction. Have a large very heavy pannus, resulting from 6 pregnancies/labors/ and births. I have constant back pain and hip pain, significant swayback and mild rash under pannus. Abs are shot. Will an insurance company consider this as reconstructive surgery without having bariatric surgery? I've tried diets/ avail. It hurts to walk, it hurts to stand for even 5 minutes. My best friend went through the Bariatric surgery but she was in much worse shape than I (at 365 lbs vs my 230 lbs.) and had many other health problems specifically related to her obesity. I am in excellent health in every single other aspect except this huge HEAVY pannus. No thyroid problems, my cholesterol is fantastic, blood pressure is great, all my bloodwork is A-OK. No varicose veins, no snoring, very active, but in constant pain. Is there help for me? Very, VERY tired of having people tell me to "lose weight". If a Pannus can weigh 20-30 lbs (or more), I believe that's the weight I'd like to lose.    — Janine B. (posted on September 15, 2003)

September 15, 2003
This question should be addressed to a plastic surgeon. From what I have seen, most PS's provide a complimentary initial consult and at that time, the plastic surgeon could examine you, tell you what he can do for you and let you know whether insurance may be able to cover it...JR
   — John Rushton

September 15, 2003
I just had a PS consult last week and he told me my skin removal might be 10-12 lbs and I started at 442 lbs, so do not count on any 20-30 lbs. Probably 5-10. If you have a neurosurgeon or neuologist that documents your back problems etc. you might stand a chance. That is my only hope to have insurance cover it. We will see what BCBS says. I am not holding my breath. Also you may very well need an abdominalplasty instead of just a panniculectomy. I am getting at least the abdominalplasty and quite possibly a belt lipectomy.
   — zoedogcbr

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