Is thyroid a co-morbid?

I am 5'7 and weigh 245. I am worried I will not get approved because, I dont look morbidly obese, and everyone says I just need to exercise. Well, I cant keep up with my kids, and I have a hugely underactive thyroid that cannot be stabilized, can someone give me some advice, also, I battle anxiety, and am wondering if this is going to affect my psych eval???    — Jennifer H. (posted on October 22, 2003)

October 23, 2003
A bad Thyroid is not considered a "co-morbid" but should be addressed to the insurance company because it is often contributory. In other words, weight gain/loss does not affect the thyroid but instead the thyroid affects gain/loss. Hopefully this helps. Even after surgery, it is highly doubtful that your thyroid will get any better, but you may get energy back because you have less weight to carry. This is what has happened to me.
   — M B.

October 24, 2003
Do you see an endocrineologist for your thyroid issues or just your pcp? i have seen an endocrineologist for many years for my thyroid. i can't stress enough the importance of doing this, your pcp may think they know about it, but thats why they call an endocrineologist a specialist! my pcp is constantly thinking that i take too much synthroid (i am on a HUGE dose because i don't have a thyroid gland anymore), but i let my endocrine doc take care of it and it gets tested and meds adjusted, if needed, every 3 months. i had a hugely underactive thyroid for years before i saw the specialist. now i am on the appropriate dose of synthroid and i feel much better. i have been dealing w/ thyroid issues for 10+ years. e-mail me if you have specific questions, i might be able to help.
   — Keri P.

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