Can anyone give me some answers?

Ok..I have a couple of questions to ask: 1.) I am a peanut butter lover and love to just get a teaspoon of it, but I know it needs to be low in sugar. My fav is JIF. Do they carry a low or no sugar kind? Is there much difference? 2.) I have a friend that had the band done last December.(She was scheduled for the rny, but her dr said if she wanted to get pregnant then she did not recommend the rny. I don't know why). She has not done well with the band. She has been stuck at the same weight for the past 4 months. Dr. told her that there are some patients that do not respond to the band as well as others). She called some other drs(mine included) and they told her that the death rate would be too high to go in there and do the rny. Is this true? Has anyone had the band and then had the rny revision? 3.) Is there anyone out there that has found that Curves is just not working anymore and need more of a workout? I am going and work my butt off but cannot get my heart rate up to wear it needs to be. What would ya'll suggest? Thanks in advance for any questions or comments! God bless!    — dixieb (posted on November 13, 2003)

November 13, 2003
before my hubby retired, he worked at Proctor and Gamble making JIF. It is still the only brand I buy. I don't think, but not sure, that they make a no sugar. They do make a fat-free. Thank God my doc and dietician recommened for us to use regular stuff and not worry about lo sugar or fat free. It often has more calories. They also told us to eat two tablespoons of peanut butter for 8g protein immediately after surgery. That was part of our first diet and I still eat it every day at nine months out. Sorry, i don't know the answers to your other questions but someone will!!!
   — Delores S.

November 13, 2003
I am a lover of peanut butter, and although I don't eat it as often as before surgery I eat reduced fat Jif, it tastes just the same. I haven't tried the simply Jif yet but it supposed tp have less sugar like 2 grams.
   — Laurie B.

November 13, 2003
I would like to respond to #3. I had open RNY on 10/22/02. I joined a gym in march 2003. I work out 6 days a week. I went to California in August to visit family, and visited curves where my sister is a member. After being in my gym curves was next to nothing. It was way to easy for me. When we did the heart rate everyone around me was in the 20's and mine was never over 17. The resistance on the machines was too easy and the routine between did not last long enough to help me get anything out of it. I like the concept of curves but I think after a point it will take more cardio to keep losing.
   — Tawnda C.

November 13, 2003
Hi Dottie- I'm also a choosey mom, my family only likes Jif, LOL. But I have made myself switch to the all natural peanut butter with only peanuts and salt. If you sweeten a scoop with a coupla packs of Splenda, it's good! I fooled my husband once by doing that, and he knew it wasn't "Jif" but said it was ok :o) As far as Curves, I have a friend who is a member but found after a few months that it wasn't challenging her enough. Good Luck, Mea :o)
   — Mea A.

November 13, 2003
WEll, let's see. First, I know very little about exercise, except that it's good for you and to bracket it with protein shakes and plan a carb for right after. For PB, I use........ the one on sale. How much am I gonna get in one serving? On bands... we've had several in our area here, done during trials or in Mexcio. Some have done splendidly, others have had erosions or other mechanical failure. In some cases, they've had to take out a band that had caused a problem, waited 6 months to heal, then went in to revise to RNY. For other cases, they have revised directly. She may have other health risks, but not sure why anyone would deny her the chance to put our disease into remission.
   — vitalady

November 13, 2003
early postop I ate the 50/50 peanut butter for diabetics. Very good - not as good as Jif though (or skippy) :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 13, 2003
Hi, Dottie: I was looking at the jar of pb in our cabinet cuz my hubby had made a pb&j sandwich and for some reason it smelled really good; I noticed that it only has 3 grams of sugar per serving, and 8 grams of protein. I was impressed! By the way, it's Peter Pan. I had been afraid to eat it before because I dump and was afraid it had too much sugar in it; I proceded to fix myself a piece of toast with peanut butter on it! Sounds crazy, but it was such a treat! LOL!
   — Moysa B.

November 13, 2003
1)PB is a decent source of protein, though a little high in fat. I beleive the 'natural style' might have less sugar, but 3 grms is not bad. <P> 2)dont know much about the band :( sorry 3) Yes- Curves was great for the first 6 months post op and as a pre op, but at about 6 months I realized that the workout just was not enough- No matter how hard I pushed myself, I could not get my heart rate up- I switched to a regular gym and was much happier with the workout
   — ~~Stacie~~

November 13, 2003
I use "Simply Jif". It has less sugar in it, and less sodium I think. Sandra
   — SandyParker

November 13, 2003
Hi, I also loovveee peanut butter, I found one by Smuckers, called Natural Creamy. It is simply made of peanuts and salt, only two ingredients. And I think it is the best, taste sooo much better. I have a spoon full and a half glass of skim milk every night, I used to be Diabetic and had to to keep morning sugar level down. Patricia 9-30-03 314/267/190
   — pateblkbrn

November 13, 2003
For Peanut Butter, I sometimes use Simply Jif. <br> And exercise... I love my "Stability Ball". Gaiam makes one with a video or DVD they sell at Target, and I see that they have them at some Barnes and Nobles now. I LOVE mine. great for abs, lower back, etc.
   — kultgirl

November 17, 2003
As far as peanut butter goes, sugar doesn't belong in it. I'm not sure when the mainstream PB manufacturers (who market to kids and unsuspecting moms) started this horrible trend. Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils don't belong in PB either. Peanuts and salt should be the only ingredients on the label. Don't be intimidated by natural peanut butter with that liquid peanut oil on the top. All you do is mix it well with a knife and pop the jar into the fridge so it won't separate again or get rancid quickly. If you find that your tastebuds prefer the sweetness, don't be surprised. Millions of people have had their tastes polluted by this strange sugaring of most foods (heck, its not even real sugar- usually cheap corn syrup or super cheap high fructose corn syrup) Kids in particular are the poor victims! They wonder why kids are getting diabetes at an alarming rate? Hmm. Just give the real kind a try for awhile and see if you don't start enjoying the pure peanutty flavor.
   — Soosan

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