Has anyone had success taking Wellbutrin XL for depression.

My GYN prescribed it to me and I've been on it for a little over a week. I know she said it would take around two weeks for it to really take effect but I was wondering about the extended release issue for WLS patients. I really can't tell much difference yet and she didn't know much about Gastric Bypass so I was wondering if this is the right thing for me to be taking. She said it had the lowest side effects of anything on the market including sexual side effects. :) Thanks. Kathey WLS 10/25/02 341/204/175    — Kathey B. (posted on December 18, 2003)

December 18, 2003
It is important that you talk to your surgeon or PCP, or change to a doctor that is knowledgeable about gastric bypass patients and their needs. After gastric by-pass our bodies don't absorb time released medications. (Kind of like it doesn't absorb calcium carbonate and you have to use citrate instead). There are also other medicines that our bodies absorb differently. I had been on Wellbutrin XL for several years and 6 weeks before my surgery, my PCP (who is well-versed in gastric bypass patients) switched to the standard dose of Wellbutrin. The only difference in dosing was that I had to take it twice a day instead of once. This wasn't an issue, since you have to take vitamins morning and night, I just take it when I take them. It works wonderfully. It works as well if not better than the timed released did. Dont' take chances with physicians that aren't with familiar with the physiology of your different body. If I have to see a different doctor for one reason or another, my first quesion is, "Do you have experience with ggastric-bypass patients?" You've done this much to your body to improve your health, don't take a chance with your health with someone that isn't sure what they are dealing with.
   — Denise B.

December 18, 2003
I took Wellbutrin XL prior to my WLS, now I take the Wellbutrin immediate release twice a day and I've been doing just fine. Your doctor is right about the side effects.
   — Lorna R.

December 18, 2003
I take the time released @ 300mg and I seem to be doing fine on it. It took longer for it to kick in than I was more like a month before my depression started to lift. It has taken the edge off at least...I do have a prescrip for the immediate release, I haven't had it filled yet. I asked my primary about the malabsorption and why it was taking so long to kick she prescribed the immediate release. I'm waiting for the time released to run prescription plan sucks and I can't afford to just toss them. But like I said, the time released seems to be working pretty good now. Best wishes. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 282/140ish/125
   — KimBo36

December 18, 2003
I had to switch from the time release Wellbutrin to the regular because of my RNY. I started taking 100mg 3x a day. As I lost weight I found that I needed less, and I now take 100 mg once per day, in the morning. Now, it is my understanding that Wellbutrin dosages are NOT prescribed by the patients weight but something about my chemistry did change after I dropped about 75 lbs. I feel real good on on 1 dose per day of regular Wellbutrin. My Doctor has no problem with that. I personally think Wellbutrin is wonderful. I have tried other anti depressants that had either loathsome side effects or left me feeling like a zombie. Don't give up the Wellbutrin.
   — linda A.

December 18, 2003
Something to check with your doctor about and to be careful about Wellbutrin is that it can cause high blood pressure. If you already have elevated blood pressure, you need to really watch this. My 34 year old sister ended up in ICU with extremely high blood pressure because of taking Wellbutrin and she had no other health problems and was not overweight. I am just letting you know as a precaution so that you can watch for this.
   — Dawn P.

December 19, 2003
There are three formulations of Wellbutrin: Regular release Wellbutrin, Sustained Release (SR), and the newest one - XL, which hasn't been on the market very long. My husband had lap RNY in April 2003, started on 150mg SR once a day in August, then increased to 2 times per day.He had some side effects at twice a day. His doctor switched him to Wellbutrin 150mg XL once a day and it works great with no side effects. I believe everyone is different and it is worth a try to stay on it for a couple of weeks to see if it works for you. (It is also less likely than other antidepressants to stimulate appetite.)
   — koogy

December 19, 2003
Hi.....I have taken Wellbutrin(the instant release) for about 5 years. I have always done well on it, no side effects or anything. If I ran out and forgot to get it, after several days my husband would ask me if I was taking my both could tell a big difference when I was taking it and when I was not. I was supposed to take it twice a day, but had a hard time remembering to take the other dose. Our doctor put my husband on the Wellbutrin XL for his depression and to help him stop smoking. It has helped him greatly and he is down to 1 or 2 cigarettes a day compared to 2 packs a day. It has helped with the withdrawals associated with quitting. I got the dr to give me the same thing so I can take the 300mg once a day instead of twice and I am having no problems other than dry mouth. Just means I get to drink more water. The one thing that they say is to be careful of is consuming alcohol(if you do drink alcohol). My husband drinks and I can tell an immediate difference in his attitude when he just drinks 3 beers. It's like he has drunk a 6 pack or more. Excessive drinking can cause seizures. Also too much caffeine can do the same thing. It can work wonders but just make sure you listen to your doctor and your body. God bless!
   — dixieb

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