HELP, surgery tommorrow, period today

Well, it figures. I started my period this morning, guess that would explain why my boobs hurt. LOL. any advise would be greatly appriciated.    — Keri P. (posted on December 28, 2003)

December 28, 2003
Don't worry about it honey. Mine started the morning of surgery. I think most of us do. I don't know if its the stress or what but majority of the gals on here do the same thing. The nurses don't seem to care at the hospital either. I have had several surgeries and this happened nearly every time. Good luck with your surgery. You will be sooo happy you did this!! I am 16 months post-op and down 125+ lbs. I started out a size 26, now I wear 12/14 depending on who makes them. If I can help you feel free to email me anytime......
   — Sharon1964

December 28, 2003
Like the previous poster said, I wouldn't worry about it because I came on my period the day after the surgury and the nurse just gave me a pack of pads and that was it. They have seen much worse so that does not bother them:)
   — Tanya F.

December 28, 2003
Like the previous poster said, I wouldn't worry about it because I came on my period the day after the surgury and the nurse just gave me a pack of pads and that was it. They have seen much worse so that does not bother them:)
   — Tanya F.

December 28, 2003
Don't worry about it, The same thing happened to me, I started on Dec 3, and had surgery on the 4th. Just tell the nurses as they prep you for surgery, they gave me a pad and told me to wedge it between my legs. After surgery the nurses told me most women start after having surgery anyway, even if it's not 'that time'. I had packed in my bag to take to the hospital some cotenelle wipes which really helped me to keep clean once I was out of surgery, as I could easily use them to wipe myself off even without getting out of bed. Also take some pads with you to the hospital. It will be fine.
   — Patricia T.

December 28, 2003
Not a problem, same thing happened to me. The nurses will give you a pad to place between your legs. Its not such a bad thing, most women will bleed after surgery, anyhow, this way, you won't bleed twice in the month. Best of luck!
   — CindyOakes

December 28, 2003
Being a nurse for 26 years I can tell you that its so common and not a big deal at all. BEST OF LUCK ON YOUR SURGERY!!!!
   — ZZ S.

December 28, 2003
I like most others started my period the night before. When I went in I told them and they gave me some mesh underwear and a pad, then they cut them off I think (not sure) when you go in to be operated on. All I know is they werent on in recovery. But everything was fine.
   — giggles83

December 28, 2003
same here. No big deal, but make sure when your awake you check to see if you have something on. They didn't put anything on me and what a mess at midnight I had. Best of Luck and you'll love your new tool..
   — stacy A.

December 28, 2003
They have the really great post-natal pads! These can soak up a lake. Just let them the other posters said. Even if it grosses "you" out a is totally worth it!
   — Carol S.

December 28, 2003
Just let the nurse know, even if you hadn't started today you most likely would have gotten it soon after surgery, most women biggy, they are used to it....GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR SURGERY!!!
   — Saxbyd

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